Arrested Development Season 5 To Begin Shooting In January 2017

Is it true? Could it really be happening? It looks like Arrested Development is inching closer and [...]

Is it true? Could it really be happening? It looks like Arrested Development is inching closer and closer to becoming a reality. Jeffrey Tambor went on the TODAY show and dropped some major hints as to what's in store.

(Photo: YouTube / TODAY)

Tambor says his "marching orders are to go to work [in] January." This has us beyond excited because who wouldn't want another round of Tambor and some 'never nudes'? This information lines up perfectly with what creator Mitch Hurwitz said about everything starting up:

We're very close. It's a thing I really am desperate to do. We've got a lot of the stories broken. We're kinda ready to go. I'm so appreciative of the fans wanting more, I hate to tease them with information that there is going to be more until we know for sure, but it's what we're trying to accomplish and if does happen it looks like shooting would be at the start of 2017. That's what I'm hoping.

Will Arnett had a completely different take on fifth season development plans...

I'll just say this: It's something that's always out there and it's something that we're always constantly kinda talking about, and how can we do it and when can we do it. We go so far as to start to discuss the scheduling of it and when that would be, and for whatever reason it kind of gets slowed down. So, at this point, my answer is: 'I don't f—ing know.' I know that everybody is game to do it. We all love doing it. The people responsible for actually putting it together just need to get their s— together.

With all the chatter going around, everything continues to land on a start month of January 2017.

The countdown begins.

[H/T ScreenCrush / TODAY]