Amy Schumer Posts NSFW Picture From GQ Photoshoot

Warning: somewhat NSFW pictures below...We can pretty much set our watches by it these days. Yes, [...]

Warning: somewhat NSFW pictures below...

We can pretty much set our watches by it these days. Yes, Amy Schumer is at the center of conversation today because of her brand new British GQ cover photo.

(Photo: Instagram / Amy Schumer)

She took a couple pictures and published them on Instagram Wednesday. One features the actual cover itself which is revealing, but nothing scandalous.


A photo posted by @amyschumer on

Well, the other picture she took was much more liberal in terms of clothing. We get an honest behind-the-scenes look at Schumer during her photoshoot and wowza!

Rise up bts @britishgq

A photo posted by @amyschumer on

I will say it is refreshing to see someone so comfortable with their body they can throw up a picture like this on a public social network for millions of people to see. I can say I would never, ever take a photo like this, or anywhere in the ballpark of it, and push it on social media. Need to work on the ol' glutes before anything like that goes down.

What do you think of Amy Schumer's new photo?

[H/T Instagram / Amy Schumer]