
‘Shazam! Fury of the Gods’ Star Grace Caroline Currey Talks Superhero Mary’s Future in DCEU (Exclusive)


Shazam! Fury of the Gods is in theatres and is the top movie in America. It’s not clear if there will be a third Shazam! movie, but could we see a spinoff movie/series with a notable character? spoke exclusively to Grace Caroline Currey who plays Mary Bromfield/Superhero Mary in the film, and she was asked if she is willing to return for a standalone project.ย 

“Does someone say no to that? Are there people who would say no to that?” Currey exclusively said to “Getting to play Superhero Mary in one movie was such a joy, and I was so sad saying goodbye to that costume. Just because you never know if you’re going to get another one, and you never know if it’s going to be the same suit. I mean, of course. The answer is of course.”

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Currey continued: “I mean, how fun. I really love Mary, I think how fun to get to have someone who’s so intelligent and so clever and who’s been given just immense power because she’s got Shazam’s power range. She’s got lightning, she’s got flying, she’s got running. She kind of has the whole smorgasbord of all the powers. To get to do a spinoff or anything would be definitely a dream come true. That’d be rad. I’m in, where do we sign up? How do we make it happen?”

Mary Bromfield has been part of DC comics since 1972 but was first introduced as Mary Marvel in 1942 as part of Fawcett Comics. In 1972, DC licensed the rights to the Marvels and was revived as Shazam! The comic series lasted for five years (1973-1978) before it was revived again in the 1990s and 2000s. With Mary being the oldest of the Shazamily children, it would be interesting to see her being featured in a movie or series where she’s dealing with her powers as she enters adulthood.ย 

“She is kind of in a funny stage of life that I think a lot of us relate to, where she’s graduated high school but she didn’t go to college and she’s in this funky gap year,” Currey explained. “Kind of trying to find friends outside of her family because she’s always spending time with her family. So there is kind of this push-pull where she’s the oldest. So naturally, she speaks her mind when there are decisions made that maybe she thinks are immature and not the right move. But then there are also elements of her kind of wanting to branch off and do her own thing and not necessarily be bound by her family all the time.”