'Moonfall' Star John Bradley Reveals He Will Travel to Space on One Condition (Exclusive)

Moonfall, which is out in theatres now, tells the story of the moon crashing into Earth. The season's first blockbuster stars Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson and John Bradley — who plays KC Houseman, a conspiracy theorist who finds out about the moon before anyone else. PopCulture.com recently spoke to Bradley who detailed the "energy" he brings to the character and how his desires to travel to space depend on one sole condition.

"I did as much research on space as I possibly could have," Bradley told PopCulture exclusively. "It's such an enormous subject and you're never going to learn enough about it to match KC in terms of his own knowledge. So what I tried to work on most was that energy. And it seems to be appearing more and more lately. This energy of I won't listen to what anybody else has to say about this. I know I'm right. I'm not going to listen to anything that I don't like. And if you don't believe me, you're just going to have to, because I'm not going to jump off this horse."

Bradley continued: "I'm going to stick with it till the very end. And a lot of that's damaging and a lot of that's there's rights and wrongs to that, but it was that energy that I wanted to invest something in. That total conviction that bullish thing where he's not going to be stopped. And he's determined to get this idea through to people. And I research figures like that, these very opinionated, very passionate people, and hopefully some of that fed into KC."

KC goes to space with Brian Harper (Wilson) and Jocinda Fowler (Berry) despite not having any experience. After filming Moonfall and being in a version of a space shuttle, Bradley said he would be willing to be in a space mission but under one condition. "I remember before we started shooting, we had astronauts on set and we did some zooms with astronauts and one of the first thing I said to the guy, I said, 'If you are not trained for this and you went up into space like KC, he's not trained, but he finds himself in space. How long would it be before you found it absolutely terrifying?' And he said 'It would be instant. As soon as you get in the rocket, as if you're not used to it, as soon as that engine kicks into life, you're going to be scared,'" Bradley said. "So I would do it. I'm just waiting for it to get a little bit safer because I'm too much of a... I'm too scared at the moment, but it's bound to get better one day, right? Then I'll do it. I promise."
