Woman Spots A Moving Garbage Bag On The Road And Fortunately Decides To Investigate

On Thursday morning, a woman in Kentucky named Malissa Sergent Lewis decided to take a shortcut on [...]

On Thursday morning, a woman in Kentucky named Malissa Sergent Lewis decided to take a shortcut on a backroad as she was running late to work. As she was driving, she noticed something particularly peculiar - a moving trash bag on the side of the road. She decided to investigate the strange situation.

"I saw this trash bag in the road, and I thought to myself, 'Did I just see that bag move?' The closer I got, I realized it was moving," Lewis recalled while speaking with The Dodo. "I could hardly wrap my mind around that. Something was alive in that bag, and I just knew I had to get whatever it was out."

Upon opening the moving trash bag, Lewis found an abandoned puppy wearing a collar, but without a tag on it. She posted about the experience on Facebook in an effort to find the owners, but the odds are likely high that the owners will not claim the dog. In the meantime, Lewis has decided to give the adorable pup a permanent home. Lewis has gone on to name the puppy Hefty, and he is now happy, healthy, and in good hands.

(Photo: Bored Panda)

Lewis posted the following video on Facebook with the caption: "If this is your puppy, let me know. If you are the scoundrel who put it in a garbage bag and tossed it on the side of the road...you're a sicko."

Would you have stopped to investigate what was inside the moving garbage bag on the side of the road?

[H/T Bored Panda, The Dodo, Facebook]