Robert Durst Reveals He Was High On Meth During Interviews For The Jinx

73-year-old Robert Durst was the subject of the HBO documentary miniseries The Jinx: The Life and [...]

73-year-old Robert Durst was the subject of the HBO documentary miniseries The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst, which investigated multiple murders he was suspected of committing. Durst was apprehended in connection to these murders and on Friday, details of his interrogation were finally released.

Durst revealed to Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney John Lewin that he had taken meth prior to many of the interviews he agreed to participate in for the documentary, and that he also smoked pot every day of his life.

In the final episode of the series, Durst is confronted with handwriting samples that show his own handwriting compared to that of a letter that informed police that there was a dead body at a close friend's house. Despite the incriminating evidence, Durst says he didn't attempt to flee because, in his words, "I just didn't really, really, really think that I was gonna end up arrested."

The series was made by filmmaker Andrew Jarecki, who had previously made the feature film All Good Things about Durst's life, starring Ryan Gosling and Kirsten Dunst. Durst says he opened up to Jarecki because he thought the filmmaker would be sympathetic to him, and Durst hoped, "That they would see me as an acceptable human being, as opposed to all this other stuff."

Durst is accused of three murders, including his former wife Kathleen Durst in 1982 and former best friend Susan Berman in 2000, as well as a neighbor in Galveston, TX.

[H/T The Hollywood Reporter]