New Details Emerge In Taylor Swift Groping Case

New details have come to light in the Taylor Swift groping case. The radio DJ accused of grabbing [...]

New details have come to light in the Taylor Swift groping case. The radio DJ accused of grabbing the pop superstar's bare bottom, David Mueller, believes that the photo that Swift's case is built upon is actually going to help him in court.

Swift Groping
(Photo: Facebook / Taylor Swift)

The legal team representing David Mueller said to TMZ that the picture "doesn't prove a thing other than he didn't have his hand underneath her skirt."

While it appears in the photo that Mueller did not actually have his hand up Taylor's skirt at that exact moment the picture was taken, it still looks as if his hand is on her butt. Mueller's explanation was that he leaned into the shot at the last minute.

Taylor Swift reportedly wanted the judge to seal the aforementioned photo until the case went to trial. Mueller's attorneys were not sure as to why the "Blank Space" singer would want the judge to do so, but they now feel that her case is severely weakened now that the photo has been released.

In the 26-year-old's deposition, she detailed her side of the story.

"Right as the moment came for us to pose for the photo, he took his hand and put it up my dress and grabbed onto my ass cheek and no matter how much I scooted over it was still there," Swift said in the video. "It was completely intentional, I've never been so sure of anything in my life."

Over the course of the weekend, TMZ obtained the photo showing Mueller's hand on Taylor's backside.

Greg Dent, Swift's bodyguard, said he saw the incident go down. Dent remembered Taylor moving closer to the female after being made uncomfortable by Mueller.

The alleged groping scandal went down back in 2013. Mueller has since filed a lawsuit again Swift saying he was fired from his job over "false accusations" that he groped Swift.

In response, Swift filed a counter suit for assault and battery. She is demanding a jury trial and any money she is awarded will go to charities that protect women from similar sexual assault.

What are your thoughts on these most recent developments from the Taylor Swift groping case?

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