
Sniffles, Sneezing and Coughs Be Gone: 5 Cures For Allergy Agony

Autumn brings many wonderful things: colorful leaves, a need to wear fabulous boots, fringe […]

Autumn brings many wonderful things: colorful leaves, a need to wear fabulous boots, fringe jackets- oh, and runny noses with a side of watery eyes. Gross. None of it’s fun, especially if all you’ve got left is a good hair day.

Did you know that an estimated 50 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies? According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America as many as 30 percent of adults and 40 percent of children are affected from the nuisance of these autumn allergies. So, what’s an allergy sufferer to do? We’ve got some tips for you to survive the season with a clear head and nip those allergies in the bud.

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Indoor care

Dehumidification is an allergy sufferer’s secret weapon. By reducing the humidity level in your home, dehumidifiers help create a less hospitable place for allergens like dust mites, mold, and mildew to thrive. In addition to being both quiet and efficient, dehumidifiers lessen irritation to the skin and respiratory system, allowing for easy breathing and living. Another tip is to utilize hypoallergenic filters in your home’s heating and cooling system to trap pollutants and bring allergy relief all season long.

Sinus irrigation

Sinus irrigation is fast becoming a recommended way to deal with seasonal allergies, even though the very idea of putting a saline rinse into your nose doesn’t sound appealing. Safe and with no prescription or side effects whatsoever, sinus irrigation helps clear up mucus from growing seasonal allergies. By creating a soothing effect on the irritated nasal passages with the aid of a neti pot (totally not a teapot) or spray with an isotonic solution, the process may not bring immediate relief, but it can calm down the allergic response.

Track your outdoor time

Because ragweed is the biggest allergy trigger in the fall, releasing its pollen in late August and lasting well into September and October, allergy sufferers need to watch their time outside. By tracking pollen and mold counts through The Weather Network, The National Allergy Bureau or apps such as,, sufferers can figure out which days are best to stay indoors to avoid allergies hitting an all-time high.

Rinse and repeat

If you’ve been out for long hours during the day, chances are your gorgeous hair has captured a bunch of pollutants in its lush strands. Wise advice is to not only wash your hands when coming in from outside, but your face and hair. By washing your hair at the end of the day, you’re not letting pollen transfer to your comfy bed and pillowcase.

Don’t be afraid to medicate

Over-the-counter antihistamines do an awesome job of keeping symptoms under control. From tablets, nasal sprays and eye drops, there’s an abundant amount to help control fall allergens. Pharmacists have advised the best time to start medicating is right before symptoms start. Yet if all else nosedives, consider seeing your doctor for immunotherapy or allergy shots.