CBS aired two Robbie The Reindeer specials on Saturday night, leading to the annual confusion on Twitter about the show. The specials are not meant exclusively for children, and the adult imagery in the shows left some viewers unprepared. The two stop-motion animated shows were originally produced in 1999 and 2002 and have been airing on CBS regularly during the holiday season since 2016.
Robbie the Reindeer was originally produced by the BBC and the charity Comic Relief. When CBS nabbed the American broadcasting rights in 2002, the dialogue was re-recorded with new actors, including Ben Stiller as the title character. Britney Spears, James Woods, Brad Garrett, Hugh Grant, Leah Remini, Jim Belushi, and the late Jerry Stiller. The first episode, Hooves of Fire,” originally aired on the BBC in 1999, and the second, “Legend of the Lost Tribe,” debuted in 2002. In 2007, there was a third special made using CGI animation, but it has never aired in the U.S.
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CBS aired the first two specials between 2002 and 2005 and brought the shows back in 2016. Many of the viewers watching Saturday night were puzzled by the design of the female reindeers featured human breasts. One person called the special the “most disturbing looking Christmas thing I’ve ever seen.”
Robbie the reindeer is the most disturbing looking Christmas thing Iโve ever seen ๐
โ JO (@jesusOmar) November 29, 2020
Whats up with the boobs on the female reindeer in the Robbie the Reindeer movie? Sorta pornish. Definitely weird.
โ bizlwyr (@bizlwyr) November 29, 2020
Iโm watching Robbie the Reindeer and the female reindeer have breasts and I-
โ Aprilโก๏ธ(she/her) (@AprilandPJ) November 29, 2020
Robbie the Reindeer is the weirdest freaking movie ever
โ Bโฃ Rโฃ Iโฃ Tโฃ Tโฃ (@brittystew2) November 29, 2020
So happy @CBS continues airing #RobbieTheReindeer each year- I know itโs not everyoneโs cup of tea but I absolutely love it ๐๐๐ฆ
โ Jennifer Townes (@jtownes4) November 29, 2020
Omg. @CBSNewYork #robbiethereindeer is the #worst. Thank god my kids were bored and I could turn it off. So bad. Whoever thought this was appropriate or good should be fired.
โ Ali (@The_Preppy_Mom) November 29, 2020