Maddie & Tae's Maddie Marlow Shares Criticism She and Husband Jonah Received for Wearing Masks

The decision of whether or not to wear a mask in public has suddenly become a divisive topic, with [...]

The decision of whether or not to wear a mask in public has suddenly become a divisive topic, with people criticizing others for not wearing a mask or, in Maddie Marlow's case, wearing one. The Maddie & Tae member used her Instagram Story this week to share an experience she and her husband, Jonah Font, had while out in public, revealing that they were criticized by a group of teenagers for wearing masks.

Marlow wrote that she and Font were in line at a public place that asked anyone who entered to wear a mask when they were approached by six teenage girls, none of whom were wearing masks. "The little girl came up to my husband saying 'hey bruh,'" she wrote. "To which Jonah said 'Are you speaking to me?' Typically you would say excuse me sir or something polite." Marlow wrote that the girl told them, "Hey bruh, is it hot under those masks? You know corona virus can get through them right? And we are all gonna die anyways so it's stupid."

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"We were both thinking [what the f—], this kid is hella bold and has no manners to add to it," Marlow continued. "So Jonah says 'Well kid, it's about protecting others and not just thinking about yourself. It's selfish not to wear a mask.' And this TEENAGER continued to try to convince us we were idiots for wearing a mask."

Marlow added that the teen continued to laugh at the couple for not removing their masks and Marlow she had to remind herself that she "had Jesus in [her] heart" before she said "something ugly to that kid." The singer concluded her post with a message for her younger followers, writing, "PLEASE open your eyes and don't just get your news off of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram." "You are the future. Educate yourself," she continued. "And to that specific kid, go buy a mask and learn some manners while your at it."

The 25-year-old explained that she generally tries to keep her Instagram account "really positive and happy because that's my vibe, but sometimes there's necessary things that need to be shared." "And so, I just ask that in this really hard time for all of us, just be kind and think about your words and how powerful they can be and whether you're ruining someone's day or making someone's day," she finished. "Just a little food for thought. Also just don't be an a—hole. It's literally that simple. Don't be an a—hole. That's it! Be nice. Smile, tell someone they look nice. Be nice!"