John Prine's Widow Fiona Slams Donald Trump's 'Joyride' Amid Coronavirus Hospitalization: 'So Disrespectful'

John Prine's widow Fiona Prine, has slammed President Donald Trump for the 'joyride' he took, amid [...]

John Prine's widow Fiona Prine, has slammed President Donald Trump for the "joyride" he took, amid his coronavirus hospitalization, calling it, "so disrespectful." In a tweet, Fiona stated that she wishes she could have visited her husband before his death, "while he was still awake" in the hospital. She added that seeing Trump step out and have a motorcade drive him around to wave at supports was "excruciating to witness."

Fiona then pointed out that "the latest reported deaths from Covid-19 is close to 210,000 Americans," which is what makes Trump's drive so "disrespectful" to her. Prine passed away in April, after having to be hospitalized due to coronavirus. He was admitted to the hospital on March 26, and had to be intubated on March 28. "After a sudden onset of COVID-19 symptoms, John was hospitalized on Thursday (3/26). He was intubated Saturday evening, and continues to receive care, but his situation is critical," Fiona wrote in a statement on Prine's hospitalization.

"This is hard news for us to share. But so many of you have loved and supported John over the years,we wanted to let you know, and give you the chance to send more of that love and support now," her statement continued. "And know that we love you, and John loves you." Prine was 73 years old at the time of his death.

On Friday, 74-year-old Trump, announced in a tweet that both he and First Lady Melania had tested positive for COVID-19. He explained that they would be quarantining "together," and assure his supporters that he would "get through it." Later that day, Trump was taken to Walter Reed Medical Center, on the advice of his doctors. He has been there receiving medical care, but on Sunday he had the Secret Service drive him around outside the hospital so that he could wave to the gathering of supporters who had congregated outside over the past 48 hours.

There is no word on when Trump will be released, but a source close to the situation told CNN that Trump "is done with the hospital" because he believes it "makes him look weak." White House chief of staff Mark Meadows has reportedly stated that doctors will decide Monday whether to let Trump return to the White House or keep him longer for observation and medical care.