
Tabloid Report About Queen Elizabeth Collapsing Debunked

GLOBE — a print media outlet — recently claimed that Queen Elizabeth collapsed after the new […]

GLOBE — a print media outlet — recently claimed that Queen Elizabeth collapsed after the new Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, started an “all-out family war” and Gossip Cop immediately debunked the article calling it “one giant fabrication.”

The tabloid made its claim over the holidays and on its front page it reads, “Queen, 92, Collapses As Meghan Starts All-Out Family War.”

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Inside, the story alleges “Prince Harry’s pushy pregnant wife, Meghan…is being blamed for Queen Elizabeth’s shocking collapse over the holidays.” The magazine hit news stands the Wednesday before Christmas, claiming an inside source exposed the drama happening inside Her Majesty’s country estate in Sandrinham. However, the Queen didn’t venture on her Christmas journey until Thursday, via public train to Norfolk — almost 24 hours after the article was released claiming a family feud.

The front page photos that feature the Queen bent over — looking as if she were picking something up from the ground — are more than seven years old, photoshopped, and are completely unrelated to Markle, according to Gossip Cop.

It wasn’t but four months ago that GLOBE similarly claimed the Queen collapsed after Prince Phillip was allegedly diagnosed with cancer. Supposedly, she keeled over in grief after being informed her husband only had 90 days left to live.

No other credited media outlets reported such stories, deeming GLOBE’s claims to be untrue.

According to the media website, there have been a series of so-called fabricated stories told by GLOBE — one of which includes simmering tension between the family after being forced to gather at the Queen’s Sandringham estate and having to watch her favorite soap opera. Shortly after, Markle and Kate Middleton had an exchange of words.

“Meghan apparently became bored and got up to leave,” GLOBE’s source shared.But Kate, realizing her sister-in-law was breaking a strict royal rule, whispered to her to stay put.”

That’s when the outlet recalls Markle going “crazy” and replied to Middleton with, “Don’t tell me what to do,” before looking around the room. The new royal family member continued with, “None of you want me here. I know you all hate me.”

Shortly after, she apparently threatened that if she had it her way, the family would never meet she and Harry’s child.

After the drama filled scene, the Queen supposedly collapsed and encouraged the Prince and his new wife to leave.

According to Gossip Cop, the magazine uses alleged “palace courtier” for their inside source, their photos are fake and so are their quotes.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s first child together is expected to arrive sometime in the spring.