Sharon Stone Rails Against 'Killer' Donald Trump Amid Sister's Hospitalization With Coronavirus

Actress Sharon Stone is railing against President Donald Trump, calling him a 'killer,' amid her [...]

Actress Sharon Stone is railing against President Donald Trump, calling him a "killer," amid her sister's hospitalization with coronavirus. Stone previously shared the news about her sister, Kelly, testing positive for COVID-19, but she revealed in a new Instagram video that both her grandmother and godmother "died of COVID." She also blasted Trump in the clip, and urged her fans and followers to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

"With women in power, we will fight for our families. We will fight for people to live. We will fight for people to get tested," the Total Recall star said. "Because the only countries that are doing well with COVID are the ones that have women in leadership. Please vote. And please whatever you do, don't vote for a killer." Regarding what her sister and brother-in-law have been going through, Stone said, "As many of you know, I posted about my sister being in the hospital in a COVID room and that she has Lupus and she's fighting for her life. I didn't let you know that her husband Bruce is also in a COVID room in the same ward, fighting for his life, and that they stayed at home as long as they could."

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Stone went on to say, "In Montana, where they live, you can't get tested unless you're symptomatic, and then you don't get your test results for five days. Also, the people that they came in contact with, like my mother who's had two heart attacks, five stents and a pacemaker in the last five months, couldn't get a test because she wasn't symptomatic even though she could've been near asymptomatic contact that gave them COVID." She added, "The nurses in the hospital that are taking care of them can't get tested because they don't have tests to test them with. Those nurses are risking their lives and cannot get tested

Stone is known for not mincing her words when it comes to the coronavirus, as she recently compared the pandemic to the AIDS crisis of the 1980s. During an appearance on Dennis Quaid's The Dennissance podcast, Stone shared her perspective, saying, "There came a stage where everyone knew someone who had AIDS." She then added, "We're now in stage where COVID is taking off in that way, where people wanted to ignore it, and pretend it wasn't going to happen, the same way they did with AIDS. People are still not wanting to deal with."

In regard to the politicized practice of wearing a mask, Stone compared this to the "wear a condom" or "don't wear a condom" debates that raged during the AIDS crisis, to which Quaid agreed. Stone then lambasted the "militant" behavior" of those who won't wear a mask because of their "you can't tell me what to do" attitude. Finally, Stone addressed it becoming a felony for someone who knew they had AIDS to have sex with another individual and not tell them, and she compared that to how people diagnosed with coronavirus can "cause other people to die." She boldly stated, "We're gonna have to understand that if you know you have Covid, and you're not being responsible, that too has to become a crime.