See the Moment Meghan Markle Realizes Her Royal Etiquette Faux Pas

Now that Meghan Markle is officially a royal, there are all kinds of etiquette rules the new [...]

Now that Meghan Markle is officially a royal, there are all kinds of etiquette rules the new Duchess of Sussex has to follow during her everyday life. One of those rules is not crossing your legs at the knee, something Markle slightly slipped up on during a party at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday.

Instead of the common move of lifting one leg over the other, royal women typically practice what has become known as the "Duchess slant," which involves crossing the legs at the ankle and slanting them to the side.

The move was popularized by Markle's sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, and appears like so.

(Photo: Getty / Kirsty Wigglesworth)

On Tuesday, Markle was preparing to sit down with the Queen and Prince Harry ahead of a photo session, taking her seat on a chair and crossing her legs at the knees. She quickly realized her error and, before the photographer began snapping official images, shifted her legs so that her ankles were touching and her legs were slanted to the side.

Despite the fleeting faux-pas, photos from the event came out fully royal-approved.

(Photo: Getty / John Stillwell)

The party was held to celebrate exceptional young leaders from across the Commonwealth, with a select group from the Queen's Young Leaders program arriving at the palace to attend the gathering.

The Queen presented the 2018 young leaders with their medals, and Markle and Harry met with the selected group at the ceremony.

Harry also gave a speech at the event, calling the youth "inspiring."

"In this rapidly changing world, it is heartening to meet so many inspiring young people gathered here today, who have already stepped up as leaders and improved the lives of so many people across the Commonwealth," he said.

"You are the hope and optimism the world needs and we will all do everything that we can to support you in it."

The Queen's Young Leaders program was started in 2013 and honors youth who have made positive changes to their communities in the form of mental health advocacy, advocating against violence against women and other life-saving measures. Prince Harry was made patron of the program in 2018, and this year marked the Duchess' first time attending the reception.

Photo Credit: Getty / Mark Cuthbert