Here's What Meghan Markle's New Title Would Become If She and Prince Harry Lose 'Sussex' Name

Royal experts agree that it is unlikely the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be stripped of their titles.

More than four years after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepped down from their royal duties, questions remain about their future within the British royal family, including their titles. The couple agreed to give up their "HRH" titles amid their transition away from senior royals, but have continued to use their Duke and Duchess of Sussex titles as they continue their charity work, but major changes would come if they were stripped of their Sussex titles.

Speaking to The Royal Beat, per the UK's Mirror, Ingrid Seward, Editor in Chief of Majesty Magazine, noted that "Harry is a prince of the blood." Since he was born into the royal family on September 15, 1984, he was given the Prince Henry Charles Albert David, meaning he will always maintain a "prince" title.

There is more uncertainty surrounding Meghan, who married into the royal family with her May 2018 wedding to Harry. Since it is royal tradition for a princess to take an official title with her husband's name, Seward said that if Meghan were to lose her current title, she would be known as Princess Henry.

While there have been calls for the royal couple to be stripped of their titles, royal experts, including Seward, have cast doubt on that ever happening. Seward said, "I don't think anything will happen to the titles because, if they lose their titles, Harry is still a prince of the blood and Meghan instead of being the Duchess of Sussex, [would] be Princess Henry." The change, Seward said, "would [confuse the Americans]. I think [it's] probably best just to leave it because it looks unkind, it looks unnecessary."

"The Queen gave them the titles, let them keep them – they're going to be 'H and M' anyway. I think the best thing is to leave them, ignore them, and let them get on with it – which is really what the Palace and the Royal Family are doing," Seward added.

Kinsey Schofield, host of the To Di for Daily podcast, seemed to agree, telling Fox News Digital that the stripping of titles is "not a conversation that has happened between King Charles and Prince William in years." Schofield added that the King and his eldest son are also aware of the fact that "if you strip Harry and Meghan of the Duke and Duchess title... they would revert to being Prince and Princess Henry. The prince title cannot be removed. That is Harry's birthright. It would take an act of Parliament and that is simply not a priority for them at this time."