Hannah Berner on Her New TikTok Dating Show 'Dream Date' with Caribou Coffee: 'It Was So Fun to Do' (Exclusive)

Hannah Berner hosts the new TikTok dating show 'Dream Date,' which premiered its first episode on June 26.

Comedian Hannah Berner is keeping busy with her new TikTok dating show, and she spoke to PopCulture.com all about it. In partnership with Caribou Coffee, Berner serves as the host for Dream Date, which aims to spark a connection between Gen Z hopefuls looking for love or a summer "sipsuationship." The first episode officially dropped on Caribou's TikTok on June 26, with much more on the way.

Berner told PopCulture how the opportunity came up, mentioning she was doing a lot of on-the-street interviewing, "and I obviously love dating stuff." She continued, "And I had a thought: wouldn't it be so funny if I was on a first date, but I got to navigate the questions and take control of the date? Because you know when you're listening to a first date, and you're like, 'Okay, that was a bad question,' or 'He's lying.' So, I had an idea for this. Then when Caribou was like, 'Hey,' first of all, I was like, I love Caribou. I drink it at every airport when I'm on tour. And then they wanted to let me do this creative thing where I could dress cute and be funny. I was like, 'Sign me up.' And then I took a flight to Minneapolis."

The comedian expressed her excitement to doing the show and how fun it was. "The team was amazing, and they really put a lot of thought into the casting, and it's a lot of just summer fun, love, single energy," Berner shared. "And now that I'm married, I'm in my thirties, to sit down with these dates, 20-year-olds was just so much fun. And I really did not hold back. I was being honest with everything. I was trying to protect people. I was calling people out. It got wild, and they just let me do it, and I was like, 'Okay, this is awesome.'"

(Photo: Caribou)

With Dream Date being on TikTok, Hannah Berner talked about how it's like a full-circle moment for her as more people are discovering her on the app. She and other comedians have been putting clips from comedy shows on TikTok, and these days it's hard to scroll through your for you page without a coming across a comedy bit. For Berner, it is "crazy."

"And it's funny because TikTok has been really fun for me because, well, I've done a lot of things in entertainment," she explained. "TikTok is the one place where it's my own show where I could post whatever I want and just be free and experiment. And I've developed so many comedy bits on TikTok. I've met so many people on TikTok. So to have a brand reach out to do a really cool, fun social media dating show was just like… follow your dreams, keep posting."

Berner is no stranger to reality television, as she starred in Bravo's Summer House from Seasons 3 through 5. With Summer House following a group of friends in the Hamptons and Dream Date being a dating show, the two are pretty different from each other. Especially since Berner is hosting Dream Date, which she loves.

(Photo: Caribou)

"I definitely think that I loved being the one hosting and navigating and making sure the energy was right because I just made sure everyone was comfortable the whole time," Berner said. "I like people being in on the joke. We didn't have any real fight. However, there were a lot of surprising endings. I couldn't write this in a script. People were stunned, amazed. So it's funny, there was less producers trying to make things happen for this. It just organically, you're dealing with love and love is crazy."

On top of Dream Date and Summer House, what else would Berner love to appear on? The comedian admitted she loves Nikki Glaser's FBoy Island because "she gets to be so funny and make fun of all the f--- boys. So that's like... I kind of tried to channel Nikki Glaser's energy in this, where if I saw f--- boy behavior or f--- girl behavior, I was calling them out. But then also trying to be empathetic with it being a difficult thing to find love."

Fans can check out the first episode of Dream Date hosted by Hannah Berner now on Caribou Coffee's TikTok. There is a lot to look forward to, as Berner shared, "I think I had a lot of really fun outfits. I also... We tried all the different drinks. The Peach Fruit Shaker is my favorite, shout out. And I do think seeing me in the hosting capacity is fun because I haven't really done it to this extent before."