Demi Lovato Is 90 Days Sober, Her Mother Says

Demi Lovato's mother, Dianna De La Garza, has announced that the singer is 90 days sober in a new [...]

Demi Lovato's mother, Dianna De La Garza, has announced that the singer is 90 days sober in a new interview with Maria Menounos.

La Garza went on Menounos' Sirius XM radio show on Friday, where she opened up about her experience with Lovato's recent overdoes and recovery. She said that she "couldn't be more thankful or proud" of her daughter, who is now officially three months sober. Lovato has been in rehab since August, when she was found in her Los Angeles home suffering from an opioid overdose.

La Garza described the harrowing experience of Lovato's overdose in detail on the show. She explained where she was, and how she heard about the emergency, which was mostly through text messages. She got the news from friends and family who were watching TMZ. At the time, La Garza admitted that she knew her daughter was not completely sober anymore, but she did not know the extent of her troubles.

"I knew that she wasn't sober, but let me clarify: I didn't know what she was doing," she said. "Because she doesn't live with me. She's 26, you know? So I just knew that she wasn't sober, and that's all I really knew at the time."

Despite Lovato's past with drugs, La Garza said she did not even learn precisely what an opioid is until after this most recent overdose.

"I can honestly say I didn't know what an opioid was at that time," she said. "I mean I'd heard it, we've all heard the word, but I didn't know anything about it until I started researching and looking and studying. It was a rough two days."

La Garza was so upset by news of her daughter's condition that she could not even drive herself to the hospital. She described a phone call with Lovato's assistant, while she was at home with her oldest daughter, Dallas. She said that she asked Dallas to drive to the hospital, since she did not trust herself to make the trip.

This was La Garza's second interview since her daughter's overdose. Back in September, she spoke to News Max TV about the incident. She credited Lovato's die-hard fans known as the self-titled Lovatics, for getting her through the harrowing ordeal, as well as their collective faith.

"I prayed, of course, all the way to the hospital, and my faith is strong. I think that was one of things that got me through the next couple of days when she was in critical condition. We just didn't know for two days if she was going to make it or not," she said. "I just feel like the reason she's alive today is because of the millions of prayers that went up that day when everybody found out what was happening."