Prince Charles Playfully Suggests Baby Names for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Prince Charles has some name suggestions for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's future [...]

Prince Charles has some name suggestions for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's future baby.

Alongside Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Charles took the opportunity to joke about baby names while the couple unveiled a new portrait commemorating his 70th birthday at Australia House in London on Thursday.

"My son Harry tells me that during their recent tour of Australia he and his wife were offered countless, thoughtful suggestions for the naming of their forthcoming baby," he joked to laughs from the crowd, according to Entertainment Tonight Canada. "Just between us, just between us, I suspect that Kylie and Shane may possibly make the short list."

According to the Prince Of Wales, there are at least two names that can be crossed off the list as they prepare to welcome the newest member of the royal family.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would not hold your breath for Edna or Les," he said.

This is not the first time Prince Charles has commented on his upcoming grandchild, though his previous comments were more of concern than laughter.

"I am about to have another grandchild actually. I suspect quite a few of you may too have grandchildren or will do soon," Prince Charles said during a recent visit to Ghana. "It does seem to me insanity if we are going to bequeath this completely polluted, damaged and destroyed world to them. All grandchildren deserve a better future."

"It is becoming evident that not following such an approach has disastrous consequences, as is witnessed by the fact that 8 million tons of plastic enter the ocean every year, that soon there will be one ton of plastic for every three tons of fish in the sea, and that the dead zones in the ocean, now numbering over 400, are continuing to grow," he said.

"As many of you know so well, the eight million tons of plastic that enter the sea every year – through our own doing I might add – is now almost ubiquitous," he concluded. "As the Prime Minister said, if all the plastic that we have produced since the 1950s that has ended up in the ocean is still with us in one form or another, so that wherever you swim there are particles of plastic near you and we are very close to reaching the point when whatever wild-caught fish you eat will contain plastic. Plastic is indeed now on the menu!"

Fans of the royal couple have been anxious to speculate the gender and name of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's new baby, expected to be delivered in spring 2019.

We will have to wait for the announcement likely when the baby is born, though Harry has publicly expressed his hopes for the gender in the past.

During a stop in the couple's Australia tour, a fan yelled at Harry, "I hope it's a girl!"

Harry responded, "What?" The fan repeated their message, and he responded "So do I!" before walking away.

Kensington Palace announced the couple were expecting baby no. 1 on Twitter in October.

"Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the Spring of 2019," the Palace said in a statement. "Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated all of the support they have received from people around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this happy news with the public."