Kate Hudson Gets Real About Single Motherhood

'If you don't want to get criticized, do nothing.' — Kate Hudson spouting wisdom in our October [...]

Kate Hudson may be best known for her roles on the big screen, but in her day-to-day life, the most important role she plays is mother.

The actress is a single mother to two boys, Ryder Robinson, 12, and Bingham Bellamy, 5, and she knows as well as anyone that being a parent is less about being perfect and more about getting the job done.

"I don't try to sugarcoat things," she shared with Marie Claire. "I'll say, 'I'm doing the best I can.'"

That means a lot of hands-on time with the kids, including activities like cooking together.

"I like it to be an experience and [my kids] help me with it," Hudson said of making dinner. "But if they want something after that, I'll be like, 'Look, I'm placing a meal out for you like a king. I can't do everything. I'm going to have to be the OK mom.'"

Being a celebrity mom comes with an added set of obstacles. The mother of two has to work extra hard to keep her relationships private.

"The reason I don't talk about anything like that is because I have kids," she said of her dating life. "People ask that question as if, 'Oh yeah, it's really healthy to publicly talk about who I am or am not dating when I've got a tween.' [Ryder] can read, and he can hear. I'm not going to indulge in that kind of thing until there's someone in my life who I am introducing to my kids."

Like many single parents she also has to maintain civil relationships with her sons' fathers. Fortunately, Hudson gets along well with exes Chris Robinson and Matthew Bellamy.

"I think everybody wants to point fingers. If you are a person who takes responsibility for yourself and your part in it, you have a much better chance of maintaining a nice relationship. It also means that you grow up," Hudson said. "A lot of people don't want to grow up because it sucks."

She also knows it's important to take time for herself to reflect on the challenges she faces so they don't overwhelm her.

"I love locking myself in rooms and just being quiet," she explained. "A lot of people have a hard time in that space, because when you're quiet, you feel the uncomfortable things. You have to actually look at things in your life that are functioning or not functioning. And I like that place."