Chelsea Houska Gives Adorable Look at Life With Baby Layne in New Video

Chelsea Houska is giving fans a candid look at life with baby number three just two weeks after [...]

Chelsea Houska is giving fans a candid look at life with baby number three just two weeks after she and husband Cole DeBoer added daughter Layne Ettie to the family.

The Teen Mom 2 star's dad, Randy Houska, shared some raw footage of life in the Houska/DeBoer family during his web series, Losing Randy, published on YouTube.

In the video, fans get their first good look at the newest member of the MTV family, who shows off her stretching skills as her parents, grandparent and siblings, Aubree, 9, and Watson, 1, fawn over her. As the newborn sleeps soundly in a white onesie, navy pants and oversized bow, you can hear Houska saying that at least the little girl will learn to sleep through loud noises as her two other kids run around playing in the house.

"It's been a pretty exciting last couple of weeks in the Houska/DeBoer family," Randy says in the video's intro, recalling the day little Layne was born, Aug. 29, which also happened to be mom Houska's 27th birthday. "All went well. I believe she called me at 6 a.m. and said, 'Hey, gonna have a baby! And then they got to the hospital, and as per her usual, she delivered very quickly with no complications — everything went great. So she and Cole gave me permission to post some videos and some photos of this little baby."

Randy also gave some insight into Layne's middle name, which he said was a combination of Houska's grandmother's names used "to make a very cute, a little bit old fashioned sounding — which I like — middle name."

As for Layne's older siblings, Randy said the kids are both loving life with their little sister.

"Watson loves her, Aubree loves her, they're both great with her," he said. "Watson just stands there and rubs her little head and says, 'Nice, nice,' because I'm pretty sure everyone tells him, 'Watson, be nice nice to the baby.'"

Houska had earlier revealed on Twitter that she has been suffering from mastitis, an infection of the breast tissue, which made her feel so sick she had to sit out of Aubree's 9th birthday celebration. Randy alluded to this complication in his video, but noted that everyone was willing to step in to make the best of things while the new mom recovered.

"Chelsea's been a little sick the past couple days with some infection," he said. "But they've all be helping out a great deal."

Photo Credit: YouTube / Randy Houska