Lori Loughlin Is All Smiles While Hugging Daughter Bella Amid College Admissions Scandal

While reports have indicated that Lori Loughlin is facing a cold relationship with her children [...]

While reports have indicated that Lori Loughlin is facing a cold relationship with her children following her arrest in connection to the college admission scandal that broke back in March, a photo on Friday showed quite the opposite. The Full House star was spotted with a big smile on her face while hugging daughter Isabella Rose, 20, as they waited at a valet stand in Beverly Hills.

See the photos at Us Weekly here.

Bella was spotted wearing a large green hooded sweatshirt and white tennis shoes, while Loughlin sported a blue athletic suit ensemble, orange visor, and grey tennis shoes. The look was far different than the professional look she wore during her appearance in a Boston court earlier this week.

Loughlin and her husband, designer Mossimo Giannulli, were both indicted as part of the scandal and released on $1 million bonds back in March. The couple allegedly paid $500,000 to have their daughters, Bella and younger sister Olivia Jade, admitted to USC as part of the school's crew team.

The former Hallmark Channel staple was dropped by the network in the wake of the scandal and fired by Netflix before production of the final season of Fuller House was set to begin. Her daughters have also not avoided the backlash, both leaving USC under heavy scrutiny and Olivia Jade losing her professional partnerships with beauty brands TREsemme and Sephora.

Since the scandal broke, it has been reported that both Bella and Olivia Jade were not on speaking terms with their parents. The latter reportedly felt that her parents "ruined everything" after the loss of her business partnerships and the knock on her status as an Instagram influencer.

"[Olivia] was passionate about her career, and now everything she built has imploded before her eyes," an inside source told Us Weekly recently.

As the magazine notes, Loughlin has reportedly felt "trapped" for weeks and hasn't gone out until just recently. She has also taken a hit thanks to the change in her relationship with her daughters.

"Lori and her daughters were so close, like three best friends more than a traditional, mother-daughter situation," another source tells Us Weekly. "Lori always seemed perfect. She is humble, gracious and kind and her daughters are also so sweet, friendly and well-mannered. It's clear Lori raised them well."

Loughlin and Desperate Housewives actress Felicity Huffman have been the faces for the scandal since it broke. Both could face a possible prison sentence due to their alleged involvement with the scheme, and also have been named as part of a $500 billion class-action suit against those named in the federal indictment.