Mysterious Storyline Could Lead Kurt Angle To Triple H

According to, Kurt Angle's current 'mystery text' storyline is going to [...]

According to, Kurt Angle's current "mystery text" storyline is going to "set up Kurt Angle vs. Triple H at WrestleMania 34." While the WrestleMania timeline seems to be a little far off, the latest rumor does support a recent report from Cageside Seats which stated that Angle's texting issues would be used to bring Stephanie McMahon back to Raw.

With ratings sinking to historic lows, it's almost surprising that WWE has held off on Stephanie's return for this long. Triple H and Angle have a long history together so the match would be a bit of a rehash, but WWE generally has a habit of pairing their biggest old school names together to get the most marquee bang for their buck. Another possibility for this upcoming feud would be the addition of Triple H's Destroyer, Samoa Joe.

Joe and Angle had a tense confrontation last night, and after Joe is finished with his program with Brock Lesnar, he could be ready to go back to work for The Authority. Angle and Joe had some legendary matches in TNA when Kurt first arrived in the rival promotion a decade ago, so the two would be very familiar with one another if Joe was used in Angle's comeback match.

Angle has been very open about wanting to return to the ring since resigning with WWE earlier this year. In an April interview with ESPN, the Olympic Hero gave his thoughts.

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"I do know there's a chance of Kurt Angle wrestling again. I also know that I'm going to have to earn their trust, and I understand that, especially with the trouble I've been in the past few years. Being clean the last four years has obviously been really good, but the more I show I can be depended on, the more they're going to let me do. I really think that Kurt Angle's not done wrestling, and I think it's safe to say that I will be wrestling back in that WWE ring again."

In an April interview with WresltingInc, Angle gave a more specific timetable on his return.

"I don't know about 'soon'. I think that the general manager role is going to last a little while. I don't think they want me to go any step further than that, but you do have to keep in mind that until I take the physical [no in-ring return will happen]." Angle continued, "I don't know when it's going to occur, but I'd say it'd most likely occur. But, I'd say probably near the end of the year is what I'm guessing and I really don't know."

"I did hint to Triple H at the very beginning of our talks that I did want to wrestle again and he said, 'we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. You're going to have to take a physical and you're going to have to pass.' So he said, 'let's just take it one step at a time.' I really believe, and this was not mentioned by anybody, and this is my own belief, I really believe they want to see how I do. They want to see if I really am the person I say I am, that I've been staying clean for four years, that I've got my life together, that I have everything on track. It's a bit of a longer process, but you've got to earn back the trust."

The final piece to this puzzle will be figuring out where Corey Graves fits in. Will Raw's lead color commentator become a part of The Authority's return or is he simply a messenger?

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