WrestleMania 34: The Undertaker Returns to Challenge John Cena

The Undertaker has arrived.John Cena entered the ring on Sunday night at WrestleMania 34 after [...]

The Undertaker has arrived.

John Cena entered the ring on Sunday night at WrestleMania 34 after being told Undertaker was in the building. But instead of "The Deadman," Cena was greeted by Elias, who mocked the crowd inside the Mercedes-Benz Supedome with one of his songs. Cena attacked him and knocked him out with an Attitude Adjustment, then walked up the ramp looking defeated as there was no sign of "The Phenom."

But then the lights went out. Undertaker's hat and coat suddenly appeared in the ring, just as they had been left at the end of WrestleMania 33 a year ago. Suddenly lightning struck the ring and lights went out again. Out from a cloud of smoke, Undertaker appeared at the top of the ramp, setting up an official match.

In a matter of minutes, Undertaker pinned Cena after delivering an emphatic Tombstone Piledriver. It appears Cena got want he asked for.

With the win, Undertaker has an unprecedented 23-2 record at WWE's grandest stage. His undefeated streak lasted 21 straight matches, ending at WrestleMania XXX in the Superdome in a match with Brock Lesnar.

Undertaker then lost three years later at WrestleMania 33 in the main event against Roman Reigns.

On the March 12 episode of Monday Night Raw, John Cena officialy threw down the challenge against Undertaker.

"You see the difference between you and me is when I fail, I get back up, I put a smile on my face and I go to work to kick ass the next day. When you fail you hide your head in the sand, never to be seen from again because you're so ashamed and embarrassed of what people will say about you," Cena continued. "Amazing that a symbol so strong is really so fragile. Stop hiding behind your lame excuses. You are not too old, you are not washed up, you are not broken down. Because if you was broken down, you wouldn't be posting videos of your workout videos on your wife's Instagram."

Cena proceeded to spend the next few weeks trying to draw The Undertaker out, doing everything from calling him a coward to wrestling his brother Kane to trolling him on social media. But the Undertaker never responded.

The lack of interaction led to Cena buying a ticket and sitting through the first few matches on the WrestleMania card as a fan. He ran to the back and prepared for the match after a referee ran out and told him The Undertaker had been spotted.