WWE's Heath Slater Had a Horrible Monday

For most wrestlers, being a WWE Superstar is the manifestation of a childhood dream. You get to be [...]

For most wrestlers, being a WWE Superstar is the manifestation of a childhood dream. You get to be on the brightest stage the sport offers while being handsomely paid to travel the world. However, even Superstars have bad days, and this past Monday was particularly rough for Heath Slater.

While millions of Americans battled the bitter cold on New Year's Day, the 4-time Tag Team Champion got to spend the holiday in balmy Miami weather. So far so good, right? Well, the journey to RAW Miami was one Slater would like to forget.

After a routine bathroom break on his flight, Slater found he was locked in the airplane's bathroom. Things got worse as people, most notably Curtis Axel, took notice of the struggle and began filming the dramatic rescue. The footage of the ensnared Slater can be seen above.

If you watched RAW on Monday, you know that Slater did, in fact, escape that airplane bathroom. But given what happened at work that night, Slater may be wishing that he simply stayed stuck.

Slater's partner, Rhyno, volunteered to fight WWE's version of Cyclops, Braun Stowman. Because he's a stand-up guy, Slater cheered Rhyno from ringside. However, his mere presence irritated Strowman and the Monster Among Men issued a challenge for Slater to join him in the ring. Heath accepted and within seconds, he was turned to goo by a slew of running powerslams.

We have to give credit to Slater's perseverance as most of us would have called it quits after being imprisoned in an airplane stall.