Big Show Hates WWE TV

WWE’s Big Show recently made an appearance on his longtime comrade’s Chris Jericho’s [...]

WWE's Big Show recently made an appearance on his longtime comrade's Chris Jericho's podcast. On this particular interview, Big Show decided ti was best to keep it real. When the subject of WWE's schedule, specifically their TV Dates, the World's Largest Athlete spoke frankly:

"I love the live events. I hate TVs, TVs I just want to bash my skull into the camera. They're just long, useless time-wasting bullshit days where you sit around all day for some friggin' idea that just sucks. Debating it for hours with 17,000 inputs you know, 1 or 2 guys laced up a pair of wrestling boots know what they are talking about. The others that never laced up a pair and don't know shit for some reason they are telling you what to do. And you're just sitting there baffled, like we all have that look at TV, we walk around baffled like, 'Well why are we doing this?'"

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There's a lot to digest here, but point taken, Show. Before we get into how right or wrong he is, let's sprinkle a little context on the situation. Big Show hasn't won a WWE championship belt in a long time. He hasn't had a meaningful WrestleMania match since WrestleMania 24 (Mayweather). Simply put, Big Show hasn't been a priority for WWE in close to a decade. Instead, he's been more or less paraded around as a giant who does giant things. He has every reason to be salty.

Big Show's quote paints a picture that is becoming all too vivid. Although he hasn't been in a position to get great ideas from creative, his opinion fervent and hard to disregard. Is there something larger at play here?

As fans, it's clear that WWE's creative department is in a funk. Call it a coincidence, but RAW ratings continue to slip to all time lows. On top of that, a new grumbling leaked from the tippy top of WWE: Triple H is rumored to be frustrated how the main roster is being handled.

Much of what Show said is going to resonate with fans and wrestlers alike. Perhaps this can create awareness on the subject and WWE can start injecting some fresh ideas into the scripts. Perhaps a movement had begun.

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