Why Dick Wolf Tried to Fire Mariska Hargitay From 'Law & Order: SVU'

Hargitay revealed that while she and Wolf are "extremely close," the two have "had some gnarly negotiations," but it's all "tough love."

While Mariska Hargitay has been doing Law & Order: SVU for 25 seasons, there was a time where she was nearly fired by Dick Wolf. In an interview with Variety, Hargitay reflected on her legacy of a career, especially her time on SVU. The Wolf Entertainment series is one of the many from the company, and after 25 years, Hargitay admitted that she and Wolf have an "excellent relationship."

"We're extremely close, like family," Hargitay shared. "He and I have had some gnarly negotiations. And I don't think he's had that with anyone else. He's said things to me that are almost paternal over the years but tough. When I say tough love, I mean, tough love. There's no coddling." Considering that the two have known each other for only 20 years, one can only imagine the relationship they have formed, both on a personal and professional level.

Evidently, that "tough love" has also very nearly made Olivia Benson no more. There was one time when Wolf threatened to fire Hargitay after she cut her hair and he told her there's no crying in TV. However, Hargitay says that Wolf "almost made me a warrior in a way. He makes me stronger."

It's hard to imagine Law & Order: SVU without Mariska Hargitay since she is SVU. It does sound like that "tough love" worked wonders because Hargitay is still around, and there's no indication she has plans on exiting any time soon. Even though SVU has seen its fair share of exits over the years, if Hargitay were to ever leave, it definitely wouldn't be the same. Luckily, she and Wolf seem to be on the best of terms and are as close as ever, fans shouldn't have to worry.

Meanwhile, Hargitay proved just how much she and Olivia Benson are alike when she helped a lost little girl find her mother. The little girl wandered onto the set of SVU while they were filming in New York and thought Hargitay was a real cop due to being dressed in her Captain Benson attire. The actress halted production until the mother was found, and the reunion was as sweet as can be. There are many more heroic moments, at least for Olivia, on the way in new episodes of Law & Order: SVU on Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on NBC.