'The Masked Singer': How Piglet's Dan Marino Clue Ties Into Nick Lachey

The Masked Singer fans think that Piglet might be Nick Lachey, and it turns out the Dan Marino [...]

The Masked Singer fans think that Piglet might be Nick Lachey, and it turns out the Dan Marino clue provided about the Porky performer does tie into the boy band member. According to Screen Rant, back in 2004 both Lachey and the former Miami Dolphins quarterback participated in MTV's Rock N Jock Super Bowl XXXVIII, which was part of the NFL Draft celebration. The outlet notes that Masked Singer host Nick Cannon also attended the event and can be seen fist bumping Lachey in old clips from the special.

Screen Rant also points out that Lachey is long-established as a football and sports fan, having attended multiple Super Bowl games and being part-owner of a basketball team. He once was kicked out of a San Diego Charges game for fighting with a fan of the team. The team was playing the Cincinnati Bengals, Lachey's favorite NFL team. Additionally, one of the clues about Piglet involved a fraternity, which Lachey was part of once. He attended Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where he joined Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Certainly, it seems that Lachey just might be the songbird behind the snout, but only time will tell.

While fans will have to wait for Piglet to be unmasked to see if it really is Lachey under there, one contestant was recently exposed. On Wednesday evening, RoboPine — a robot porcupine — shed his quills to reveal that he was really singer and actor Tyrese. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly about his time on the show, Tyrese said, "If I gave them a grade, it would be A-plus-plus, with how organized they are and the system that they have in place. It's like nothing I've ever seen.

He continued, "They've literally created a world within a world. It's really beautiful to see that they have such a well-oiled system in place for what they're doing. I would do it again, I would definitely encourage my friends to do it who would probably never think Masked Singer probably would ever fall on their radar. Because I kind of had my own moment of, 'Oh, no, what is this?'"

The Fast and Furious star finally added, "You get to a certain point in your career, man, you just can't do everything and say yes to everything that comes across your desk. So my motivation became my daughter. I can't say it enough: My 13-year-old gets the credit for me doing this show."