Long-running Cartoon Network show Craig of the Creek has officially ended. Created by Matt Burnett and Ben Levin and featuring the voices of Philip Solomon, Noël Wells, and H. Michael Croner, the series’ pilot episode premiered on TV in December 2017, and after premiering online the following February, Cartoon Network had a double-premiere event at the end of March 2018. Set in the fictional suburban town of Herkleton, Maryland, Craig of the Creek centered on a boy named Craig Williams, his two friends, and their many adventures in the titular creek.
Per ComicBook.com, the series finale aired on Jan. 25 and included Craig’s older brother, Bernard, leaving for college, which brought on a big party at the Creek after he departed with many characters from the past and present joining in. Surprisingly, Craig of the Creek ended in a way that most episodes went, with Craig and his friends preparing for the next day’s adventure. The series ended after 180 episodes, plus a film, Craig Before the Creek, that premiered on Cartoon Network in early 2024.
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Along with nearly 200 episodes and a movie, Craig of the Creek spawned a spinoff centered on Craig’s little sister, Jessica. Premiering in September 2023 as part of Cartoon Network’s preschool block, Cartoonito, Jessica’s Big Little World saw Jessica conquering monumental children’s tasks as she navigated her way through the world inspired by the grown-ups around her. The series was canceled after only one season on Cartoon Network, ending in May 2024 after 20 episodes.
Ahead of the show’s finale, co-creator Ben Levin shared a lengthy post on Instagram, recognizing the writers and director of the finale, and Craig Williams himself, Philip Solomon. Levin wrote, “For the final episode, I didn’t want to do anything big or dramatic. I wanted an ending that let you walk away from these characters, knowing that even if you can’t watch them on a screen, they’re still having fun.”
“This is an episode about goodbyes, without being a goodbye,” Levin continued. “It’s about appreciating the good moments and people in your life – even if things might change down the road. It’s a celebration of Craig, the adventures he’s had, the stories we’ve told, and chance for all of us to finally take a moment and reflect. I could say so many things about this episode, but it’s mostly stories about me holding back tears in various locations. Not tears of sadness. Like Craig, I just was appreciating the beauty of it all. Of a time that I was lucky to experience, with all of the amazing people who were part of this show.”