The smash-hit CBS sitcom Ghosts wrapped up its debut season this past April but with the anticipated Season 2 about to start filming in Montreal this June, series star Richie Moriarty shares with what he hopes to see for the sophomore offering, particularly when it comes to his character Pete Martino — the former Pinecone Trooper, who died on the Woodstone grounds in 1985.
“Oh, man. I think the biggest question that I want to be answered for him is, what’s going on with he and Alberta,” he told PopCulture exclusively. “I think we’ve planted all these seeds, especially toward the end of Season 1 of a potential relationship there. I just adore Danielle Pinnock and I think it would be so fun to have a little budding love story in Season 2 of Ghosts. I’m very interested to see what the writers have in store for that relationship.”
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With Moriarty’s character Pete just beginning to navigate (the after) life following a moment of closure with his wife Carol (Caroline Aaron) in “Pete’s Wife,” the Scoutmaster’s inability to express his feelings is no doubt preventing him from getting “sucked off” as fellow Woodstone ghost Trevor Lefkowitz (Asher Grodman) would best put it. “There’s no other way to say it, right?” Moriarty laughs. “I think this is all still very new to Pete. I mean, Pete was married forever and even in his afterlife considered himself a married man, was very much still committed to his wife, and I think getting that permission from her and seeing that she has moved on with her life, he’s like, ‘Okay, it’s time for me to move on with my afterlife.’ But that’s easier said than done.”
Admitting how the transition is a “big character switch” for Pete, Moriarty theorizes about where this predicament leaves his character going forward. “[Pete] hasn’t dated in — I don’t know how many years total being living and dead, but it’s been a very long time since Pete’s been on the market. So I think he’s still trying to get comfortable with that and come into his own and figure out, who am I when I am dating or exploring a new love interest.”
After Pete fakes a relationship with Nancy (Betsy Sodaro), one of the cholera ghosts from the basement as a way to cover up his feelings for Alberta in the episode “Sam’s Mom,” Moriarty expresses how he hopes the revelation of his being a pushover underscored by Nancy, prompts his character to become more daring in Season 2. “I hope Pete can get more bold and really stand up for himself and ask for what he wants and, yeah, just be bolder all around,” he said. “I mean, be bold in that relationship with Alberta, really take stock of what he wants, and go for it. I think there’s so much humor in situations where you have a character who’s overly confident and doesn’t deserve to be really, and I think seeing Pete gain more confidence in a world where he is still a bit awkward and nerdy, it’s ripe for great situations. I look forward to seeing what’s in store for him.”
This past April, Ghosts showrunners Joe Port and Joe Wiseman revealed to PopCulture that they were in the phase of “talking” specifics about the show’s budding romances, including Pete and Alberta, as well as Thor and Flower. “The writer’s room for Season 2 has been up for about three weeks now and we’ve planted a lot of seeds and we definitely want to follow up on all of those [relationships] for sure,” Wiseman said at the time.
For more on Ghosts and all things Richie Moriarty, stay tuned to the very latest about the show, news about the cast and everything in between only on PopCulture. In the meantime, relive the first season of Ghosts on Paramount+ and get an exclusive streaming offer here.