CBS Television Studios has announced that it’s developing a new crime drama titled, The Source. The show comes from Stage 29 Productions, the production company of famed daytime TV host Dr. Phil, and his son, Jay McGraw. The father/son duo will act as executive producers on the new series, along with Julia Eisenman, and the show’s writer, Amanda Green.
According to Deadline, The Source will follow a young female investigative reporter in Los Angeles, and an LAPD detective. They’ll team up to share their skills and resources, and work within and outside of the law to uncover and punish corruption. Amanda Green has worked as a writer and producer on many shows in this genre before, including Law & Order: SVU, Lethal Weapon, and The Mysteries of Laura.
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Outside of his hit daytime talk show, Phil McGraw and his son Jay have a long list of credits as producers as well. The two are currently executive producing DailyMailTV, Bull at CBS Studios, as well as The Doctors, which is currently in its tenth season. Dr. Phil itself is currently the number one daytime talk show, in its sixteenth season. Their company, Stage 29 Productions, has a first-look deal with CBS Television Studios, which is likely how The Source ended up there.
The show’s fourth EP also sports a considerable list of producing credits. Julia Eisenman has worked on six documentary-style TV Movies, most recently the Lifetime Original Who Killed JonBenet? The film sparked a huge renewal of interest in the cold case, and perhaps fueled some of the current fixation on true crime in general.
So far, there’s no word on who will star in The Source. No release date or time slot has been specified for this upcoming crime drama either, though the show has the makings of a prime-time thriller.