After solving a case with country music star Lyle Lovett on last week’s episode of Blue Bloods, Donnie Wahlberg shared the screen with Jimmy Buffett in “On The Arm.” The “Margaritaville” singer played two roles in the episode, with one role leading to Danny’s personal volcano to blow. That son of a son of a sailor really got under Det. Danny Reagan’s skin.
At the start of his story, Danny and Det. Maria Baez (Marisa Ramirez) were out celebrating her birthday at a fancy restaurant. Danny spotted a man who looked just like Buffett at the bar. After getting up the courage to talk to him and tell him how much he loved his music, Danny told the waiter he would pay for Buffett’s meal and drinks. (Danny revealed that it was his late brother Joe who turned him into a Parrothead.)
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The next day at the precinct, Baez burst Danny’s bubble. It turned out that he could not have met the real Buffett, since he was performing in Texas. It was an imposter! Danny was angry and a little embarrassed. After all, he’s a big detective and he couldn’t tell the difference between the real Buffett and an impersonator! Danny later confronted the man, who turned out to be Dickie Delaney. Surprisingly, Delaney knew all the ways to get around fraud and identity theft charges, so Danny couldn’t arrest the guy.
Later on a the precinct, a “Jimmy Buffett” showed up to talk to Danny and he was convinced it was Delaney again. This time though, it was the real Jimmy Buffett (also played by the real Jimmy Buffett). It turns out that Buffett knows about Delaney and he asked Danny if the two could meet. They later met at a surf shop (of course) and Buffett told Delaney to pay Danny back as much as he could. The singer also warned Delaney to stop impersonating him for at least a year. Danny was confused, but Buffett said he’d been letting Delaney get away with this since the 1980s because the con man had a rough life.
“For all that I’ve been given, if I can’t show a little mercy, who would I be?” Buffett asked Danny. “You’re a good man, Jimmy Buffett,” Danny replied.
While Danny’s story with Buffett was a lot of fun, the other three stories in “On The Arm” where more serious. Jamie (Will Estes) ran intro trouble with his precinct when he instituted an old rule about saluting the front desk every time an officer enters the building. However, this actually helped him stop a man posing as a police officer because the man didn’t know how to salute correctly. Erin’s (Bridget Moynahan) story involved her tracking down the author of a blog criticial of her. The author was discovered to be a new intern who happens to be a cousin of the mayor, who is still trying to discredit the Reagans. Garrett (Gregory Jbara) convinced Erin to let the woman continue working in the office and they plan to feed her fake info.
Frank (Tom Selleck) clashed with Capt. Terrell (Regina Taylor) because she was using her badge to get free food and sundries. The case was complicated because Terrell donated everything to veterans’ groups. In the end, Frank decided to let her continue serving, but she needed to pay at least discount prices. During the family dinner, the Reagans joked about their first concerts. Frank said he and his wife Mary didn’t go to concerts because they “preferred to make their own music,” which grossed everyone out. Blue Bloods airs on CBS Fridays at 10 p.m. ET.