
TRENDING: This 5-Year-Old’s Reaction To Her First Day Of School Is Priceless

As most moms know, once the school year rolls around, there are two types of children: the kids […]

As most moms know, once the school year rolls around, there are two types of children: the kids who can’t wait to go to school, and the kids who absolutely dread it.

2 types of kids back to school
(Photo: Maritsa Patrinos / BuzzFeed)

But did you know it’s possible to be both? Check out how 5-year-old Franky Meyer started and ended her first day of preschool last year.

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franky meyer first day of school
(Photo: Photo Courtesy of Kelly O’Brien)

Here she is all dressed up with a smile on her face, ready for a fun bus ride and stimulating first day of school.

franky meyer first day of school morning
(Photo: Photo Courtesy of Kelly O’Brien)

And here she is hopping (read: rushing) off the school bus, looking like she’s been scarred for life by those cubbies, playing blocks and finger paints.

franky meyer first day of school afternoon
(Photo: Photo Courtesy of Kelly O’Brien)

Franky’s mother, Kelly O’Brien, shared the photos on Reddit, clarifying that Franky’s seemingly missing bow and jacket were just stuffed inside her backpack.

And there is a happy ending! O’Brien clarified that Franky actually did have a good day at school.

“She was actually happy getting off the bus, the camera just happened to catch her face in the perfect expression, and I’ve been laughing about it for the last year,” she said. “She has some of the best facial expressions, especially if you catch her off guard.”

“She absolutely loved school, and that day she was really excited to tell us what she did and about the friends she made,” O’Brien added.

Are your kids more like Morning Franky or Afternoon Franky? Share in the comments below!

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