From the outside, pregnancy seems like this magical experience: you carry the baby inside you, deliver it and hold this new little blessing in your arms. A few days later, you trot home with a newborn and that’s that — welcome to your new normal.
But for those who’ve experienced child birth, you know there’s a fair amount of pain, embarrassment and unnamed heroes left out of that fairytale version.
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Jill Krause, a writer and mother of four, recently penned a viral Facebook post highlighting these vulnerable moments after she saw a photo taken by her friend, birth photographer Katie Lacer.
In her post, which has been shared more than 68,000 times, Krause praises the nurses who guided and assisted her through every step of her labor, delivery and postpartum journey.
“I’ll never forget the faces of the nurses who followed me into the bathroom after delivering each baby,” she began. “That moment when I was so vulnerable, so tired, scared, shaky. My swollen belly deflating, and my modesty long gone.”
She remembers the kindness they each showed her when she needed it most. “For me, these have been moments of empowerment and confirmation that I have a real village to help me, even if just for that little bit of time in a bathroom, on a toilet, while a kind nurse shows me how to put an ice pad on my mesh undies,” she continued.
Krause said the photo she saw reminded her so fondly of her own experiences with childbirth, so much that she could “smell the Dermaplast.”
“Let’s hear it for the nurses and the doulas and anyone else who shows us how to make ice pad underwear (or helps with that first shower post c-section!),” the mom concluded.
After reading Krause’s emotional post, other moms began commenting on her post with their own praise for the nurses who helped them during and after delivery.
Read some of their beautiful stories below.
Nurses who understand the simple stuff:
“Immediately after my first was born, the nurse turned to me and said, ‘I know you just had a baby, but the hospital kitchen closes in 10 minutes and I can score you some chicken nuggets and fries if we move fast!’ I hadn’t eaten in almost 24 hours. I wanted to kiss her!!” – Emily L.
“I’m convinced that the nurse who brought me a spray bottle as I sat on the toilet crying after peeing the first time is a saint. I just cried that I couldn’t move, the burning shook me so badly so God sent [this] woman [who[ sprayed my crotch while I cried. What would we do without nurses??” – Jasmine A.
They live for life’s beautiful moments:
“My delivery nurse grabbed my cell phone without me asking and snapped pictures of my boyfriend and I when they first put the baby on my chest. It was honestly one of the sweetest things anyone could’ve done for me that day. I’ll always be thankful for that.” – Isabel V.
“When i was pushing, I’ll never forget pulling my face away from my nurse’s chest to see her scrub top SOAKED with my sweat and tears. I was like, ‘Oh my god I’m so sorry!’ And she went, ‘Baby, this is life all over my shirt. Nowhere else I’d rather be. Now let’s get that baby out.’ I loved her. I can’t wait to be a nurse. – Leigh K.
They provide unwavering comfort in difficult times:
“My first daughter was stillborn. The night I was in labor, my nurse brought all of her paperwork in my room. She stayed with me the entire night while I labored. She only left my room when the other nurses absolutely needed her. They helped by covering for her the majority of the night. She cried with me when my daughter was finally born. She made a box of of my daughter’s things for me. I have that box of keepsakes to this day.
A year and a half later, when my daughter, Amelia, was born, as soon as she clocked in she ran to my room to meet her. I’ve never seen this woman before or after (although I had flowers and a card sent to her), but for the rest of my life she will hold a special place in my heart.” – Angela W.
“My story may not exactly be the same but after my 2nd miscarriage, I had a wonderful nurse pre/post D&C. Post I woke up groggy, in pain and crying because I had lost my child. While they were getting me settled in my recovery area and getting ready to get my husband, there was one point where she actually laid in my bed and wiped my tears. I had no idea what her name was, and I barely even remember that much. I was so thankful she was there and comforted me while my husband couldn’t be.” – Caity B.
They’ve truly seen it all:
“No one really talks about those moments after, where your dignity is gone and things you never thought possible are happening to your body and it all hurts and you’re in awe and also kinda want to die. The nurses know, and thank Beyoncé for them.” —Mandy M
“The 1st time I stood up after vaginally delivering my twins, I lost so much blood you’d think it was a murder scene. My nurse was so calm and kind. She helped me clean myself up, assured me that my seemingly basketball size blood clots were normal, and mopped up my mess. I’ve never been treated with such compassion.” – Autumn W.

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