First Lady Melania Trump Will Not Attend Brett Kavanaugh's Official Swearing-In Ceremony

First Lady Melania Trump will reportedly not attend Justice Brett Kavanaugh's swearing in to the [...]

First Lady Melania Trump will reportedly not attend Justice Brett Kavanaugh's swearing in to the Supreme Court.

The news broke on Monday morning, when the First Lady told NBC News Politics that she would not be able to go. She apparently had an unspecified "prior commitment" that she could not miss.

"JUST IN: First lady Melania Trump will not attend Justice Brett Kavanaugh's swearing in," the outlet tweeted. "She regrets she 'will not be able to celebrate with the Kavanaugh family on such a special evening, but she has a longstanding prior commitment she was unable to change at the last minute.'"

Kavanaugh was technically sworn in on Saturday, after his contentious confirmation hearings were finally drawn to a close. According to a report by USA Today, there will be a more official ceremony for him on Monday evening, where he will make his oath again. Kavanaugh is now the 114th Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Many people on Twitter surmised that the first lady was making a statement with her absence from the ceremony. Some took it as a sign of her disdain for the president, and possibly even her opposition to Kavanaugh's view on reproductive health and LGBTQ rights.

"I think that Melania Trump's trip to Africa & her missing Kavanaugh's swearing in is no accident," one person wrote. "I believe that the First Lady is disgusted with her husband aka @realDonaldTrump & her being MIA for all events is a sure sign of it."

"She's a hypocrite!" added another. "Don't feel sorry for her, she chose to marry this guy knowing what he was about! She doesn't stand up for women, she shows them that money is more important then having a value system."

Many people also responded with "I really don't care, do u?" the slogan that the First Lady wore on her back while visiting the children imprisoned by the Trump administration's immigration policy.

As always, the debate over the first lady's politics and her subtle means of expressing them raged on in the comments. In the last year, there have been many widespread conspiracy theories that she is a kind of prisoner in the White House, unable to speak out against her husband. This has become a running joke for many commentators, notably in Stephen Colbert's monologues on The Late Show. However, she and her staff continue to insist that they support the president's administration and they want to see it succeed.