Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Take Action to Deter Paparazzi at Their Home as Due Date Arrives

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have new security measures in place around their home as they [...]

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have new security measures in place around their home as they prepare for the arrival of their first child, including a ban on drones in the area.

Markle and Harry are expected to welcome their first child any day now, and royal baby watch is in full effect. The couple is hoping to have more privacy than other royal couples, however, and are planning accordingly. According to a report by The Sun, police have enacted new security measure around Frogmore Cottage in Windsor to keep eyes off of the happy couple.

One major issue is drones, which authorities are trying to regulate more strictly in Windsor's Home Park, which surrounds the cottage. There are reportedly signs in place warning drone pilots that flying them in the area is completely illegal. The park itself is off limits, which will hopefully keep pilots from straying over to the cottage itself.

"POLICE FLIGHT SAFETY NOTICE: DRONES PROHIBITED IN THIS AREA," the bright yellow signs read. "Launching, landing or operating drones or remote controlled aircraft is prohibited in this area, contrary to Article 95 Air Navigation Order 2016."

This is a timely new rule, as a drone pilot nearly caused a disaster at Frogmore Cottage earlier this month. On April 6, a drone pilot tried to fly his craft over to the royal couple's new home to take photos but instead flew it into the path of a passenger jet.

The drone went well above the legal altitude, coming into one of the busiest paths for planes coming and going from Heathrow Airport. Thankfully, there were no collisions, though air traffic controllers spotted the drone just a few hundred feet from jets coming in to land.

Hopefully, the new warnings will prevent further incidents in the future, and potential disasters as well. Meanwhile, royal sources told The Sun that Markle's due date is on Sunday. It is still unconfirmed by official sources, and it doesn't necessarily mean that she will give birth on Sunday, but it is a big hint for royal admirers.

"It won't be long now. Meghan's really excited. Of course she's nervous like any first-time mum but she and Harry can't wait," an insider said. "She's been preparing for the birth – she wants it to be as natural as possible – and so has been practising hypnobirthing and breathing techniques with Harry."

Markle and Harry intend to keep the birth as private as possible, so it may be a while yet before the public has the details it is craving so badly.