Lorena Bobbitt's Ex-Husband John Wayne Has 2 Toes Amputated

John Wayne Bobbitt has undergone two surgeries to remove extremities from his body. He had two [...]

John Wayne Bobbitt has undergone two surgeries to remove extremities from his body. He had two toes amputated due to an infection that spread to the bone. He is now recovering from the procedures and is utilizing a knee scooter to get around.

The man who previously had his penis amputated by his now-ex-wife Lorena Bobbitt spoke to TMZ and revealed the details about his gruesome injury. He said that he lost his big toe on his right foot last year after a callous formed. The infection spread to the bone, resulting in the amputation. The procedure then led to the next toe being amputated, which took place last weekend at a hospital in Las Vegas.

Bobbitt explained to TMZ that the second toe was fractured due to issues stemming from the previous amputation. He had no support on foot after losing his big toe. The extra pressure then caused the second toe to shift and break. Bobbitt now has a bandage on his right foot and special shoes to walk around in, as well as his scooter. He is also continuing to see a podiatrist.

While he suffered a fractured toe, Bobbitt did not know until he went to the doctor for a checkup. He suffers from neuropathy, "weakness, numbness, and pain from nerve damage, usually in the hands and feet." Bobbitt's doctor noticed the injury and recommended amputation.

In addition to losing multiple parts of his body to amputation, Bobbitt nearly had lost his left foot. He was working construction in Buffalo in 2013 he stepped on a nail, which went through his boot and punctured a toe. The injury became infected months later, leading to treatment at two different hospitals. A doctor later diagnosed him with osteomyelitis, an infection of the bone in his left foot.

Doctors "aggressively treated" Bobbitt with antibiotics, but the injury never fully healed. He ultimately landed in the hospital in October 2020. Doctors told him that the bone in the foot was infected and might need to be amputated. However, having his foot in a cast also led to extra pressure on the second toe on his right foot.

Bobbitt became a household name in June 1993 when he awoke to discover that Lorena had cut off his penis with a kitchen knife. She had fled their Manassas, Virginia, apartment with his manhood in one hand and the knife in the other, ultimately getting into her car and driving off.

Bobbitt underwent a nine-hour surgery to reattach his missing member, while Lorena faced up to 20 years in prison. However, she claimed that her husband had repeatedly sexually and physically abused her. She also claimed the knife attack occurred after he had drunkenly returned to their apartment and raped her.

Bobbitt was charged with marital sexual assault and found not guilty in a separate trial. Lorena was also found not guilty due to "temporary insanity." She spent five weeks at a mental hospital for treatment and evaluation.