Jeffrey Epstein's Alleged Sex Trafficking Victim Makes Major New Claims Involving Democratic Politicians

An alleged victim of Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking ring has now named two powerful U.S. [...]

An alleged victim of Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking ring has now named two powerful U.S. Democratic politicians in the scandal as well. In newly unsealed federal appeals court documents, Virginia Roberts Giuffre named George Mitchell and Bill Richardson in the explosive case. The former senator and governor were both called as key witnesses in the case, according to a report by The Daily Mail.

Giuffre is one of the most outspoken accusers of Epstein, who died in prison on Saturday. She and many others claim that the financier orchestrated a massive sex trafficking operation involving the kidnap and assault of dozens of underage girls as young as 14, including Giuffre.

According to the new documents unsealed on Friday, Giuffre said that she was told to have sex with Mitchell and Richardson. Giuffre was described as a "sex slave," who was ordered to engage in these acts by one of Epstein's associates.

The 2,000 pages of newly unsealed documents come from Giuffre's lawsuit against Epstein and his associate, Ghislaine Maxwell. Now 33, Giuffre said that she the two kept her as a "slave" throughout the early 2000s, while she was underage. She claimed that she was ordered to have sex with politicians and affluent businessmen, including Mitchell and Richardson.

Both Mitchell and Richardson have strongly denied these allegations. Mitchell, a former senator from Maine, issued a statement to Fox News, claiming that he had never met Giuffre and adding that he had never seen Epstein engage in any illicit behavior.

"I have never met, spoken with or had any contact with Ms. Giuffre," he said. "In my contacts with Mr. Epstein I never observed or suspected any inappropriate conduct with underage girls. I only learned of his actions when they were reported in the media related to his prosecution in Florida. We have had no further contact."

Richardson is the former Governor of New Mexico, as well as the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. He also served as the Secretary of Energy in the Clinton administration for two years, and he sought the Democratic nomination for president in 2008.

Richardson too issued his response through Fox News, saying that Giuffre's claims are "completely false."

"Governor Richardson has never even been contacted by any party regarding this lawsuit," his spokesperson added. "To be clear, in Governor Richardson's limited interactions with Mr. Epstein, he never saw him in the presence of young or underage girls."

Giuffre claimed that she began her relationships with Epstein and Maxwell while working a summer job at President Trump's Mar-a-Lago hotel. So far, the president has not been implicated in the scandal. Epstein was found dead by suicide in his prison cell on Saturday morning.

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