Ivanka Trump Has Pointed Response to Question About Father's Sexual Misconduct

Ivanka Trump is tired of being asked about her dad.The 36-year-old was visibly annoyed when NBC's [...]

Ivanka Trump is tired of being asked about her dad.

The 36-year-old was visibly annoyed when NBC's Peter Alexander asked if she believes a sexual misconduct allegation leveled against her father, President Donald Trump.

"I think it's a pretty inappropriate question to ask a daughter, if she believes the accusers of her father, when he's affirmatively stated that there's no truth to it," the White House senior advisor said in an interview that aired Monday, Feb. 26.

"I don't think that's a question you would ask many other daughters. I believe my father, I know my father, so I think I have that right as a daughter to believe my father," she continued.

Some viewers took to Twitter to defend the first daughter.

One viewer tweeted, "Why even ask Ivanka Trump about the allegations of sexual misconduct against her Dad? What did Peter Alexander think she was going to say?"

Another viewer said, "The question was both crude and rude," while many others pondered whether or not reporters would ask Chelsea Clinton a similar question about her father.

Others wrote that they found her White House job inappropriate.

Some media members defended Alexander, such as CNN's Jake Tapper, who said Ivanka "works for the taxpayers" and he's "trying to figure out what part of this is inappropriate."

Washington Post's Phillip Rucker, who is Alexander's colleague as an MNSBC and NBC News analyst, wrote that it's "not an inappropriate question" because "Ivanka Trump has chosen to work in the House as a staffer and presidential adviser."

Allegations against President Trump first came to light in October 2016 after an Access Hollywood tape from 2005 surfaced in which he was heard bragging about grabbing women "by the p—." Ivanka previously called the remarks "offensive."

At least 16 women have accused President Trump of sexual misconduct. He has denied all the allegations. On Feb. 20, he shut down accuser Rachel Crooks' claims that he forcibly kissed her when she worked at Trump Tower in 2006. According to a story published in the Washington Post that day, Crooks recounted how she met Trump near the elevators on the 24th floor. She claims he grabbed her hand, then kissed her on the cheek and then on the lips.

Trump said the incident never occurred.

"A woman I don't know and, to the best of my knowledge, never met, is on the front PAGE of the Fake News Washington Post saying I kissed her (for two minutes yet) in the lobby of Trump Tower 12 years ago. Never happened!" Trump tweeted. "Who would do this in a public space with live security . . ."

" . . . Cameras running. Another False Accusation. Why doesn't @washingtonpost report the story of the women taking money to make up stories about me? One had her home mortgage paid off. Only @FoxNews so reported . . . doesn't fit the Mainstream Media narrative," he continued.