Donald Trump Uses Classic Disney Character for Viral Slam on Opponents Amid Impeachment Push

Donald Trump has moved on from Nickelback to co-opt a far more recognizable copyrighted character [...]

Donald Trump has moved on from Nickelback to co-opt a far more recognizable copyrighted character for his Twitter attacks on his political foes. While the band filed a claim against the president and had his video removed, Disney has yet to respond to Trump using Pinocchio and his lying nose to lash out at Democratic congressman Adam Schiff.

According to the New York Daily News, the president used the Disney clip to accuse Schiff of not being truthful when he says he is unaware of the identity of the whistleblower at the center of Trump's Ukraine scandal.

The latest slam continues his nickname teasing and uses scenes from the 1940 Disney classic to claim Schiff is "lyin'" and his nose is growing long. It also comes after The Washington Post fact-checker gave Schiff "four Pinocchios" for his comments in an MSNBC interview last month according to The Hill.

"We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to," Schiff was taped saying on MSNBC Sept. 17. "But I am sure the whistleblower has concerns that he has not been advised, as the law requires, by the inspector general or the director of national Intelligence just how he is supposed to communicate with Congress, and so the risk to the whistleblower is retaliation."

The Hill adds that a spokesman for the House Intelligence Committee spoke with the post and noted Schiff's comments should've been "more carefully phrased."

While none of this changes what Trump did on his phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and his request for the nation to investigate political foe Joe Biden ahead of the 2020 election.

Many online were quick to point out that the president was seemingly angling for another copyright complaint with his latest clip.

"DISNEY COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT!" one parody account of the president wrote.

"Did you check with [Disney] to be able to use their character likeness and/or images?" another commenter added.

"Hey [Disney], you gonna let him use Pinocchio that way?" a third wrote.

This didn't stop President Trump from retweeting his Disney tweet later on Saturday, adding in another hit at Schiff in the process.

"Schiff and the Do Nothing Dems have lost all credibility...but the corrupt Media is working hard to keep them in the game!"