Donald Trump and Melania Trump Post Final Christmas Message Video After Leaving White House for Mar-a-Lago

President Donald Trump and Melania Trump left The White House behind for their final Christmas in [...]

President Donald Trump and Melania Trump left The White House behind for their final Christmas in power. The couple made their way to Florida and Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort, sharing a Christmas message to the rest of America.

In the video, Trump compares the COVID-19 vaccines that are currently making their way out across the globe to the birth of Jesus Christ. Referring to the vaccine as a "Christmas miracle," Trump continues on by tying it to the birth of the Christian holy figure.

"During the sacred season, Christians celebrate the greatest miracle in human history. More than 2,000 years ago, God sent his only begotten son to be with us. An angel announced the birth of our lord and savior -- the humble shepard," Trump says in the video. "He said, 'I bring you great news that will cause great joy for all of the people. Today, in the town of David, a savior has been born to you. He is the messiah, the lord. You will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger.' At Christmas, we thank God for sending us his son to bring peace to our souls and joy to the world."

From this moment, First Lady Melania Trump continued on talking about the current pandemic response. "We are battling a global pandemic that has affected all of us. Yet, through this great challenge, we have been inspired by the kindness and courage of citizens across this country," FLOTUS says in the clip. "Communities have found new ways to stay connected to one another. Courageous first responders, doctors, and nurses have given everything to save lives. Brilliant scientists have developed treatments and vaccines."

This leads to the president referring to the vaccines and treatments for coronavirus a "Christmas miracle" that will save "millions and millions" from the deadly disease. The message stands as one of the first times Trump has addressed the pandemic himself since his election loss back in November.

Since the pandemic made its impact in March, more than 18.5 Americans have been infected by COVID-19, killing over 320,000 since then. And while Trump was quick to praise the vaccine rollout, he didn't mention the ongoing fight over pandemic relief that he inserted himself into earlier in the week. On Thursday, the latest news saw Trump's own party vote against his call for $2,000 payments to people struggling since the first stimulus payment of $1,200 in May.