Water Bottle Recall Issued

A California company recalled its popular wattle bottle due to lead concerns. Bindle Bottle LLC of Carlsbad recalled its Bindle Bottles because there was exposed lead in the bottom storage compartment of the bottles. This could lead to water or any liquid in the bottles being contaminated by the lead.

The recalled Bindle Bottles were available via BindleBottle.com, Amazon.com, promotional distributors, and in retail stores, according to the recall notice published on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration website on Feb. 23. The bottle is sold in 13 oz., 20 oz., 24 oz., and 32 oz. sizes. Bindle Bottle also recalled the 24 oz. bottle included in the Pippy Pack.

There have been no reports of illness linked to the issue. However, the recall was announced after the company received reports from Lead Safe Mama, LLC and Consumer Reports. Tests of the bottles found a small 0.4" diameter soldering dot in the bottom storage compartment had the lead inside. This problem was caused by "a lack of a cover or barrier to the exposed soldering dot," according to the company.

All production on Bindle Bottles was suspended while the company works to eliminate exposed lead on future products. Consumers can receive at-home repair kits, which are available to order at BindleBottle.com/pages/recall. Consumers can also send questions to product_safety@bindlebottle.com.

Earlier this month, Consumer Reports published results of alarming tests on the Bindle Bottles. Their tests found that the lead content from the soldering dot ranged from 90,800 parts per million to 155,000 parts per million. "In other words, that part of the Bindle bottle is about 10 percent lead," Consumer Reports said. The Bindle Bottle has "exposed lead levels that are approximately 1,100 times that of the levels legally allowed in many consumer products," Ashita Kapoor, an associate director of product safety told Consumer Reports.

"Bindle Bottle takes this issue seriously," Bindle co-founder Charlie Crisan told Consumer Reports before the recall was announced. "We are actively evaluating any potential risk associated with the small solder dot located at the top of the dry storage compartment. We stand behind our products and are committed to taking appropriate steps to ensure that our customers can continue to use their Bindle Bottles without concern for their health."

Lead poisoning can lead to damage to the nervous system and internal organs, the FDA notes. Acute lead poisoning symptoms include "abdominal pain, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and bloody or decreased urinary output." If a child is exposed to more lead over a long period of time, it can cause permanent damage to the central nervous system. "This can result in learning disorders, developmental defects, and other long-term health problems," the FDA notes. "Clinical signs in dogs with acute lead poisoning may include lethargy, anorexia, behavioral changes, ataxia (wobbly gait), tremors, and seizures."