Wife Reportedly Forgives Husband's Mistress as She Fatally Stabs Her

As she was being stabbed to death by her husband's mistress, Catherine Walker reportedly forgave [...]

As she was being stabbed to death by her husband's mistress, Catherine Walker reportedly forgave her murderer. The heartbreaking revelation came as former Army medic Michael Walker and Alisa Jackson were sentenced Monday following Walker's 2014 murder, which occurred following a months-long murder plot that was discussed in emails, in person, and in text messages.

"On the night she was stabbed to death, Jackson asked her if she forgave her," Assistant US Attorney Tom Brady said at the Monday hearing, according to the Daily Mail. "As she was being stabbed, Catherine replied, 'yes.'"

Michael and Jackson had first met via an online dating site in September of 2014. Reportedly upset with his marriage, Michael told Jackson that his "deepest desire" was for his wife to be gone, though he was unable to divorce her due to financial concerns and stood to receive $400,000 in life insurance. The confession led to a plot for Jackson to kill Walker, and after communicating via text, email, and in person, Michael and Jackson met in the Aliamanu Military Reservation's gym parking lot on Nov. 14, 2014, where Jackson said she would kill Walker that night.

After entering Walker's home with the use of a key, Jackson, who was on medication for depression and psychosis at the time, "went inside and grabbed a knife and went upstairs and stabbed" Walker, she previously confessed in court.

At the time of Walker's murder, she and her husband had been married for 11 years and were about to undergo in-vitro fertilization after years of trying to conceive. Although Michael's defense attorney Birney Bervar had claimed that his client never wished for his wife's death, Michael apologized to Walker's family in a statement Monday, telling them, "I love Cathy very much and I would do anything if it could bring her back."

Michael, who had pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in September, was sentenced to 35 years in prison. Jackson was handed a 30-year sentence after having pleaded guilty to murder in 2015. The guilty plea allowed her to avoid the death sentence in exchange for her testimony in helping secure Michael's conviction.

Speaking Monday, US District Judge Susan Oki Mollway explained the desire to sentence Michael to a longer sentence, as he was the orchestrator of the murder plot.

"Ms. Jackson wielded the knife that killed your wife," Mollway said. "And that was a terrible, terrible deed. But it does appear to me that you were in control. That she did what she did because you wanted her to. And you knew she had mental health problems."

Along with his conviction, a military court found Michael guilty of child pornography charges that surfaced during the murder investigation. He was convicted of sexually abusing a child, physically assaulting a child, and wrongfully communicating a threat in 2017 and reduced in rank from sergeant to private, sentenced to 10 years confinement, and received a dishonorable discharge.