Legendary, an original HBO Max reality ballroom competition series, was renewed for a third season on Thursday. The series has earned critical acclaim for its first two seasons. The show follows groups divided into Houses, which then compete in different ball events each week. HBO Max released the 10-episode second season between May 6 and June 10.
Season 3 will bring back MC Dashawn Wesley, along with the judges Leiomy Maldonado, Jameela Jamil, and Law Roach. Rapper Megan Thee Stallion will be back as a judge as well. She performed during the Season 2 finale. The series is produced by Scout Productions and includes Queer Eye creators David Collins and Michael Williams as executive producers.
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“We’ve only begun to scratch the surface when it comes to showcasing the beautiful world that is ballroom,” Jennifer O’Connell, Executive Vice President, Non-Fiction and Live-Action Family Programming at HBO Max, said in a statement. “We are excited to work with our partners at Scout again to take this show to even greater heights in season three and continuing to shine a light on these compelling stories.”
“We are thrilled to return with our friends at HBO MAX, as well as our iconic judges and MC Dashaun Wesley, for a third season,” Rob Eric, Scout Productions’ Chief Creative Officer, and Executive Producer added. “We can’t wait for the next season’s talent to set the bar even higher as we continue to showcase the fabulous world of ballroom.”
Legendary highlights ballroom culture, with competitors divided into Houses, and each House is judged by their skills in walking, voguing, and dancing events. The winner receives a $100,000 prize at the end of the season. Season 2 featured several guest judges, including Normani, Taraji P. Henson, Tiffany Haddish, Nicco Annan, Demi Lovato, and Adam Lambert. The second season was filmed in Los Angeles.
In a Los Angeles Times interview before Season 2 premiered, Maldonado called it “surreal” to see ballroom celebrated on a widely-seen platform. “I feel like with Legendary, we’re being celebrated to such an utmost standard. For me, it’s something that is surreal being in L.A… and being in Hollywood,” she said. “For ballroom to be celebrated on that type of platform, it was so surreal.”
“I jumped at the opportunity because there isn’t enough representation in this culture,” Jamil, who starred on The Good Place, said about joining the show last year. “Most of the art we love in this world, most of the music, the dance, the fashion, the language even, so much of mainstream pop culture has been siphoned from ballroom. I think it’s really important that the world knows exactly where it came from. I came on board as the supportive outsider, who is the window in to learn with the audience.” The complete first two seasons of Legendary are now available on HBO Max.