A special Friends game show is coming to Max. To celebrate the NBC sitcom’s 30th anniversary, TheWrap reports that the streamer has greenlit a competition show themed around the beloved series. Four-part game show Fast Friends “will take place in the series’ iconic sets and see fans relive their favorite moments while being put to the test with trivia, puzzles and games that will keep even the most die-hard fans on their toes. The quickest team will win the title of Ultimate Friends Fan.”
Production is set to begin in October at “The Friends Experience: The One in New York City,” which has 18 rooms, activations, and recreated sets dedicated to the series. The game show is produced by Warner Bros. Unscripted Television in association with Warner Horizon. Dan Sacks, Bridgette Theriault, and Dan Norris serve as executive producers, with Richard Burgio as co-executive producer.
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No other information on the show has been revealed, but it certainly sounds like it will be entertaining and give those at home the chance to see if they can be the Ultimate Friends Fan. Since this is only a four-part show, it’s unknown if Max could make it a full-blown series. However, since it is filmed at the Friends Experience, it would be hard to do continuous production, so it makes sense that it’s a limited series. However, depending on how well the show does, it’s always possible a whole new set can be created and recreated. Or perhaps give Max the opportunity to do other themed game shows.
With production on Fast Friends starting next month, more information should be revealed in the coming months, including a premiere date. Luckily, Max is making sure Friends fans are being fed in the meantime. The streamer has created several different collections, including Chandler episodes, Joey episodes, Ross and Rachel highlights, Monica episodes, Phoebe episodes, and Thanksgiving episodes, among others.
Fast Friends should be a pretty fun game show to watch, and will definitely test everyone’s Friends knowledge. It just shows how massive Friends still is, even after 30 years. It’s unknown if any of the cast will be making appearances, but it would be hard to see them all together without Matthew Perry, who died nearly a year ago. In any case, fans can always rewatch all seasons of Friends on Max, as well as the Friends.