'Teen Mom 2': Briana DeJesus Sued for $5K After Allegedly Skipping out on Construction Bill

Briana DeJesus is in some trouble with the law after skipping out on a construction bill. The Sun [...]

Briana DeJesus is in some trouble with the law after skipping out on a construction bill. The Sun reports that the Teen Mom 2 star has been sued for $5,000 after allegedly failing to pay for her new townhouse's construction fees. The outlet, which obtained a claim of lien, noted that the company provided an assortment of services and materials from granite, paint, plumbing materials and labor (among other things) while working on her and her mother's Florida home for nearly two months up until this January. The exact amount DeJesus owes is reportedly $5,585.22.

DeJesus purchased the new home in Florida for upwards of $269,000 last November. For fans of the MTV show, this has been a storyline of the current season as she moved in with her mother, sister and two daughters. In response to The Sun article, the 26-year-old told the outlet that she didn't pay them because of what she claimed to be mistakes made by them. "Granite was not cut right and they messed up the plumbing," DeJesus went on to explain. "We are fighting to not pay for it because they messed up."

As evidenced by the show's events, DeJesus, who recently appeared to quit the show after a tirade on Twitter, is currently struggling financially. Though not specified when talking to the outlet, it's reasonable to believe another reason for not following through with the payment could be financially, as some fans of the show have perceived this latest development. The mother of a nine and 3-year-old was seen in a past episode telling both of their fathers that it's time they start helping her financially after she purchased her home. She said both Devoin and Luis had been able to coast by without contributing much but feels it's time for that change.

She recently engaged with followers of hers on Twitter after she attempted to explain herself after reaching a child support agreement with her two exes, asking them to pay $250 a month each. The since-deleted thread explained how she took on the burden of working three jobs, but it's not feasible to maintain that and raise her children, so she feels it's time their fathers finally help out. One of the tweets said that "both fathers want to father when it's convenient for them," but says that only can work for so long before she needs to see them step up more. Teen Mom 2 airs on MTV on Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET.