Jazz Jennings Opens up About Her Weight Loss: 'My Confidence Radiates Through'

The 'I Am Jazz' star has lost 70 lbs. on her weight loss journey.

Jazz Jennings can feel her confidence shine through again amid her weight loss journey. The 23-year-old I Am Jazz star opened up about the impact her weight loss has had on her emotional well-being on Instagram Wednesday, months after she revealed that she has lost 70 pounds in an effort to focus on her health.

The transgender activist shared her thoughts on social media alongside photos of her wearing a summery blue dress. Jennings said she was inspired to share her thoughts about her weight loss journey after getting the comment, "I hope you're happy with yourself. Who cares what you weigh. Who cares what you look like. The important thing is are you happy in your own skin!"

"This is a comment I received that I feel hit the nail on the head," Jennings shared. "No matter my weight, I have always felt beautiful. However, losing this weight and prioritizing my health has created a shift within." For the reality personality, "The first step toward improving your well-being is caring. I finally care about myself after years of neglecting my health. I had truly let myself go when it came to eating. I am so proud of my weight loss, and I feel my confidence radiates through."

Jennings revealed she chose to post the photos of her in that specific dress because it "just made me feel like a goddess." She added, "I picked out a beautiful necklace and earrings to match the dress and felt so pretty."

In a message to her followers, she advised, "Overall, take care of yourself and do things that make you happy and light. We can always strive to be better, and choosing to be the best version of yourself allows you to soar to heights higher than ever before," signing off, "Joy. Cherish. Peace."

In June 2021, Jennings took to Instagram to reveal she had been diagnosed with binge-eating disorder, which in conjunction with an increased appetite she experiences as a side effect from some of her medication, caused her to gain almost 100 pounds in less than two years. 

Jennings wrote that it was "time for me to address my weight gain and hold myself accountable," adding, "I'm ready to change my ways; I've been saying I'm ready to turn over a new leaf, but I'm running out of trees now. I'm ready to take the initiative and create positive changes when it comes to my health and body."

"I have a fabulous team supporting me, both professionals and family/friends, but at the end of the day, I have to be the one committed toward bettering myself," she continued. "I know I have the power in me to lose the weight, and I intend on sharing my progress with all of you. Love you all, and thanks for understanding the battle I'm fighting to win."