Has Josh Duggar's Arrest Put a Hold on Major 'Counting On' Courtship?

There have been rumors for months that Counting On star Jana Duggar is in a courtship with Stephen [...]

There have been rumors for months that Counting On star Jana Duggar is in a courtship with Stephen Wissmann. Nothing has ever been confirmed, as the rumors are always linked to speculation among fans on social media whenever there is a hint that they may have been seen together. One theory for the courtship never being announced is that the Duggars do not want to share major news while Josh Duggar's federal case unfolds.

Over on Reddit, some fans speculated that Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar are planning to wait to announce Jana's courtship until July, around the time Josh's trial starts. Josh was arrested in April on two federal charges of possessing and receiving child pornography. He pleaded not guilty and is now out on bail, awaiting trial. Josh's parents have not commented on the case since they issued a statement asking for prayers on April 30.

Another possible reason for not announcing the courtship might be that the Duggars are changing their media plans for family announcements. After all, no one knew Jed Duggar was even courting Katey Nakatsu when news of their marriage leaked in April. The Duggars didn't announce the marriage until after reports surfaced. There have also been rumors that Jeremiah Duggar is courting Hannah Wissmann, which could make things awkward if true since Hannah is Stephen's sister.

The latest rumors about Stephen and Jana courting could be traced to a Reddit post claiming Jana was seen in a photo with Wissman's sisters. But Without a Crystal Ball blogger Katie Joy disputes this. "Literally 5 of Stephens sisters have the same color hair as Jana & wear it identical to her - because the style is a common look in the [Institute in Basic Life Principles]," Joy wrote. She went on to debunk rumors that Jana moved out of the Duggar household and that she has appeared in any photos with the Wissmanns.

"Literally no one I've spoken to can confirm this rumor because it's not true," Joy wrote. "The Duggars have been seen at church. Jackson & Johannah have also been out spotted with friends. Jana is likely laying low & being the mommy helper she's required to be because she's not married. That's all I got."

Jana remains the oldest Duggar child not married. Her family has strict rules on courtships, where the two cannot even kiss or hold hands during the process. They also need a chaperon present at all times and their communication is monitored. They also need permission from their parents to start courting.

Last year, Jana hinted that she is no longer as strict as she once was when it comes to finding the one. "I think as time has gone on, I've found I do love to travel more than I thought I did," she said on Counting On in September 2020. "So now, it's more like, okay, if I really love the guy, I'll follow him to the ends of the earth. I'll want to go wherever he is. So far, I just haven't found that one."