'Big Brother' 21: Who Gets Evicted Tonight, Whitney or Hannah?

On Wednesday night's episode of Big Brother, Christian won the Power of Veto. He chose to keep his [...]

On Wednesday night's episode of Big Brother, Christian won the Power of Veto. He chose to keep his nominations the same, meaning that Hannah or Whitney will be evicted on Thursday night. Who will be evicted? Even though the eviction had yet to happen, the current house dynamics do shed a lot of light on how the episode will play out.

When it comes to either Hannah or Whitney being evicted, it's more than likely that Whitney will be getting the boot. While it won't be set in stone until host Julie Chen Moonves shares the final vote tally, Hannah simply has more support in the house than Whitney. Hannah is a part of the Cookout alliance, which also includes Derek F., Azah, Xavier, Tiffany, and Kyland. She also has a close connection with her Aces teammate, Derek X. Considering all of the support that she has amongst various groups in the house, Hannah will likely have an easy time securing enough votes to stay.

But, there's another big reason why Whitney will likely be the one to be evicted on Thursday night. As previously established, the Kings (Alyssa, Christian, Sarah Beth, Xavier), Queens (Tiffany, Kyland, and Claire), and the lone Ace in the group, Derek X., have a Royal Flush alliance. During their discussion about who should be the target for the week, the Kings and the Queens weighed out the benefits of keeping Hannah or Whitney. Even though one member of the Kings team, Sarah Beth, was adamant about making Hannah the target, the members of the Cookout that are also in the Royal Flush (Tiffany, Xavier, and Kyland) managed to help steer the target away from Hannah.

Additionally, Hannah also had a great chat with Christian before he made his nominations. She may not have been able to save herself from going on the block, but their discussion definitely helped them form a closer relationship as far as the game is concerned. As a result, Christian has shared that his main target for this week is Whitney. Since Whitney isn't a part of any of these alliances, and she also doesn't have anyone else fighting for her, she's likely to be the next one evicted.

The next Big Brother evictee will become the fourth person evicted from the house. In previous weeks, the houseguests evicted Travis, Frenchie, and Brent in that order. Who will become that fourth evictee and the first woman eliminated from the game? You'll have to tune in on Thursday night at 8 p.m. on CBS to find out. Disclosure: PopCulture is owned by ViacomCBS Streaming, a division of ViacomCBS.