'Little People, Big World' Dad Matt Roloff 'Disappointed' in Ex-Wife Amy's 'Disingenuous' Book

In advance of the Little People, Big World premiere, Matt Roloff appeared on the First Class [...]

In advance of the Little People, Big World premiere, Matt Roloff appeared on the First Class Fatherhood podcast in order to discuss all things relating to the Roloff family. During the discussion, the conversation turned towards his ex-wife, Amy Roloff, and her 2019 autobiography, A Little Me. Matt shared that he has indeed read the book and that he wasn't exactly very fond of parts of it.

"I did get a chance to read the book and, you know, I was disappointed... I didn't think the book was really fair to me," Matt said. "I thought that Amy, the book for me knowing her real life story and a lot of other things in between, I thought there was some disingenuous nature to the book, which surprised me because Amy is a pretty genuine person typically. But, I think that she left out some pretty major parts of her life that would have thrown a little more balance into the whole story." The TLC personality continued to relate that he didn't feel as though Amy painted an accurate picture of their marriage and the troubles that occurred during it.

"You know, I think she did throw shade at me I don't think it was really fair and it was hurtful, it was actually very hurtful," he added. "Took me a while to kind of process it and absorb it and I wish you wouldn't have left out parts that I think would have changed people's perspective on our marriage and the reason that our marriage had troubles."

Matt and Amy were married for 27 years before they split in 2016. Matt's recent comments possibly tie back to the claims that Amy made about his relationship with former Roloff Farms manager and his current girlfriend, Caryn Chandler. In her book, Amy alleged that Matt and Chandler were "more than friends" prior to her and Matt's breakup.

"Matt was spending more and more time at the tavern he often frequented in the evenings after filming and working on the farm, and our farm manager seemed to be around more and more often as well. What, if anything, was going on?"she wrote in her book.

"Then it dawned on me. Matt and our farm manager, who had been working for us a number of years by then, seemed to have more than just a working relationship or friendship. I saw messages, pictures, and other things that should not have been shared between people who just worked together and were still married to other people," Amy wrote. "I was devastated."

She also added, "In hindsight, I know I should have said something right away, but I didn't. I was scared and ashamed anything remotely like this could be happening. Was Matt really interested in someone else right in front of me? Why would he even go there when we were still married?"

Matt and Chandler are currently together, while Amy has moved on, as well. She has been engaged to Chris Marek since September 2019.