'The Bachelorette': Luke P. Speaks out After Elimination, Sex-Shaming Controversy

The Bachelorette star Luke Parker took to Instagram just minutes after his controversial run on [...]

The Bachelorette star Luke Parker took to Instagram just minutes after his controversial run on the show finally came to an end Monday night. Hannah Brown finally understood why the other men on the show did not like him, especially after he appeared to shame her for having sex before marriage. In his Instagram post, Luke insisted he did not mean to "judge or condemn Hannah."

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Luke posted a photo from one of their more enjoyable moments of the season, when the two were on a helicopter in Greece. The photo was accompanied by a long caption.

"It hurt my heart that [Brown] felt I was shaming her," Luke wrote. "In our conversation my heart was never to judge or condemn Hannah. I was simply making a decision for myself on what I expected in our relationship, our conversations and our beliefs led me to believe we were on the same page about sex. For me it was never about getting a rose, it was always about finding a wife who would choose me everyday just as I would choose her everyday."

Luke went on to admit he made mistakes on the show and is not perfect. "I didn't totally behave as the man I want to be and I did not represent Christ the way I thought I was prepared to and that has broken me," he wrote.

"This journey has taught me so much and for that I am grateful but the greatest gift I have received is a compassion for those who love the world and it's ways," Luke continued. "My desire is to put the Father first above all things and share the truth that he has given to us all. Thank you everyone for the prayers always remember speak truth and rid yourself of all hate, let compassion drive your words. Stay tuned."

He ended his caption with the hashtag "faithful over famous."

In Monday's episode, Jed Wyatt, Peter Weber and Tyler Cameron all moved on to the season finale after their Fantasy Suite dates with Hannah. When it came to Luke's turn though, things did not move past their dinner. Their conversation turned into an argument as Luke said he was committed to not having sex before marriage. However, Luke disagreed, even telling him, "I have had sex... and Jesus still loves me."

Hannah broke off her relationship with Luke and asked him to leave. He initially refused, and asked for another chance when he did get up. He later asked Hannah to pray with him, which she refused to do and he then refused to get in the car. In the end, Luke was eliminated without getting to rose ceremony.

Luke's behavior throughout the season has been criticized by Bachelor fans and his fellow contestants. Back in May, he even published a statement on Instagram addressing his behavior.

"I have learned a lot and I am continuing to learn about my flaws as a man. I'm the first to admit I am far from perfect. This journey has giving me a great opportunity to grow and mature as a man, for that I am grateful," Luke wrote on May 28. "For those of you who are on this journey with me I am grateful for your support and hope you get to learn and grow from my mistakes with me!"

The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.

Photo credit: ABC